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This isn't an update. This is a letter to the first friend I have ever made. The first person who made me feel loved and accepted. The person who has chose to hang out with me and stand up for me, even though I am a lame nobody. I would appreciate if you read this.

Dear Lydia,

Hey! I know right? What a lame way to start a letter. You probably don't even remember me, but I remember you. How could I forget about you? You where the first friend I ever made! I remember the first time we met. I had no friends at all. I was getting on the bus, and there where no seats left. It was my first day of school. Then I saw you. You offered me a seat when no one else ever did. You where my first friend. Remember that time my brother went to the hospital, and I had to stay in your house? I had soo much fun. But then I cut open my toe and got hurt. You where there to comfort me. You told me about how you where a famous wizard, and you could use your awesome powers to heal me. You tried so hard to make me not cry. You where there for me. We had some of the greatest times together! But then, I had to move. I was shocked. I was sad. I didn't want to leave you. I wanted to stay by your side forever. It has been 6 years. 6 years since I last saw you and heard your voice. Remember that picture we took? I still have it. I really miss you. Sometimes I wonder what you are doing, and if you are happy? But don't worry! One day I will find you.  And I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for being the first friend I ever had. Thank you for always being there for me. I have so many things to thank you for, but most importantly,  Thank you for choosing me.


Your best friend


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