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This particuar short story deals with the alphabet. Each sentence must start in the order of the alphabet. So first sentence starts with A then 2nd sentence with B and so on.


A sudden sound awoke me. BANG, BANG, BANG, was what it sounded like. Couldn’t I get a little shut eye around here? Damn, that stupid old heating vent. Even people in Europe could hear that racket. Furthermore, I’d rather be listening to an elephant if I could with a patient mind like mine. George, my brother, soon appeared in the moonlit room. He looked around to the source of the sound and found the heater. I took off the covers and sat up so he knew I was awake. Just like me, he was a patient young looking man. Knowing what he would do, he kicked the heater, which made a clang but it didn’t bother to shut up.

“Like that would help.” Maybelle said, flowing into the room in her long night gown, that matched mine and was holding a candle.

 Never would I have thought she would awake since she is my younger sister. Oddities like that always made me curious.

 People who knew my little sister, my big brother and I always found us to be the most polite children in this little town. Quirky, I was to the thought that every parent wanted their children to be like us or wish they were us.

“Roaming around are we now?” Said George. Troubles was, we would always wake up and meet like this in the middle of the night.

“Unlike you, Veronica asked father to fix it.” Veronica was indeed my name, yes.

“Well, then we’ll tell him again, tomorrow. You go off to bed and Veronica and I will as well”

Zachariah, our father would soon be awake and hopefully he’ll know what to do other than George beating the banging heater.

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