Chapter Two: Coi and Jam

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Ali's POV

I wake up and realize that today is the day I meet Connor! I get up and change into my black converse, my white shorts, and my black crop top. I put on mascara and liquid eyeliner and concealer, then brush my teeth. I curl my hair, then grab a quick brunch, since it was twelve in the afternoon. I say goodbye to Kalel, grab my keys, then run out the door and drive off to Jenn's house in my black Infinity.

Jenn's POV

Where is she? I ask myself. I check my watch, and take a good look at myself through my phone. I am wearing my blue crop top, with black shorts and blue converse, with mascara, eyeliner, and concealer. As soon as I'm done, she drives up. " Took you long enough." I say. " Sorry, and by the way, we still have to pick up Sam." Ali says. I fix my hair in the mirror as she says this.

Sam's POV

She's twenty minutes late. As Ali pulls up, I see she has someone with her. I open the back door, and slide in. "Hey Sam, sorry I'm late, I had to pick up Jenn." She says. That's who's in the front! "Hey Sam." She stutters as she says it. " Hey Jenn." I stutter too. I love it when she says my name. "OFF TO THE O2L HOUSE!" Ali shouts as she snaps me out of my trance.

Connor's POV

"Do I look good?" I ask as Jc is leaving. " Yeah, bro, don't worry, your gonna do fine." He says as he leaves the house. I'm all alone for about five minutes until I hear someone pull up into the driveway.

Ali's POV

I walked up the steps and knocked on the door, with Sam and Jenn behind me. Someone opens it up, and it's none other than Connor. "Hey!" I say while smiling and I walked up and gave him a hug. " I just couldn't wait for this day." I said. Connor greets Sam and Jenn, and we come in.

Jenn's POV

"Hey Connor, for our colab, can we do an ask #jonnor, but include Sam and Ali?" I ask. "Sure!" He replies. We head upstairs to his room, where we all sit on his bed, while he gets out his lights, tripod, and camera. As he finishes setting up, Ali says," Can we make this video ten minutes, so we can answer more questions?" "Sure, it would be easier to edit anyway." Connor says.

As we start the video, he does his intro and introduces us. "Today we are going to do a ask Jonnor, but include these lovey people, Sam and Aliciea, but we call her Ali." I say. " First question, do any of you have special talents that no one knows about?" Connor reads. I glance over at Ali.

Ali's POV

Jenn glances at me, she knowing my hidden talent. I can sing, like Christina Aguilera sing, but I have stage fright. She's the only one that knows. " I can sing, a little." I mutter, hoping that no one heard. " Really? Sing now!" Sam says, I guess I didn't say it soft enough.

" Ok, what song!" I say " Sing Stay with me" Connor says. "Ok" I say.

"Guess it's true, I'm not good in the one night stand. But I still need love cuz I'm just a man. And these nights never seem to go to plan. I don't want you to leave will you hold my hand. Oh won't you, stay with me, cuz your all I need," Sam joins me, making it harmony."This ain't love it's clear to see. But darling, stay with me. Why am I so emotional? No it's not a good look and some self control. And these nights never seem to ever work. But you can lay with me so it doesn't hurt. Oh won't you, stay with me, cuz your, all I need. This ain't love it's clear to see, but darling, stay with me. Ohhhhhhhh, ohhhhhh, ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhhh. Oh won't you, stay with me, cuz your, all I need. This ain't love it's clear to see, but darling, stay, with, me." Sam and I finish the song, and Jenn and Connor start clapping.

Sam's POV

I just started singing with Ali, I have no idea why tho. Her voice was so beautiful, and I kinda have a good voice, so I sang to make harmony, and it worked! After we finished, she hugged me and whispered,"thank you Sam." "No problem" I said. Jenn hugged me and said, "That was beautiful, your a good singer." I got butterflies as I hugged her back.

Connor's POV

They sung like ANGELS! I can't believe she sings like that, and Sam! Omg I hung out with him for like ever, and I never knew that he could sing like that!

"Sing another song, please?" I ask Sam and Ali. "Uh, ok, what song?" Sam asks

" Lets sing Latch by Disclosure and Sam Smith" Ali says. That's her favorite song, and I know it by heart because she always plays it in the car. " Ok ready?" I say " Of course!" Ali says and then we start.

( Skips to save time and so my thumbs don't fall off)

Jenn's POV

"SELFIE TIME" I shout and me and Ali take out our phones and take selfies with Sam and Connor and each other. I post the one with Sam on Instagram and for a description typed, "@jennxpenn: With the bae @sampottorff #crushing😍" Well, I have to tell him somehow. I posted it, and Ali got the notification first. She screamed and pulled me outside the room. "Wait for it." She whispers as she puts her ear to the door, I mimic her and I hear Sam's phone go off, the him shouting "YASSSS!!" I blush, then go back in the room, where Sam picks me up, spins me around, and kisses me!

Sam's POV

I got the notification, and I screamed. I showed Connor, him knowing that I like Jenn, and she comes back in. Not knowing what I was doing, I picked her up and spun her around, and kissed her. And happily, she kissed back. "Well, I guess we have a new couple, ladies and gentlemen, give it up for finally, JAM!" Connor says to the camera, and Jenn and I blush, forgetting that the camera was still on. Ali comes in, saying," Connor, save me from the weirdness!" And she jumps into his lap. Then Connor pretends to 'save' her by hugging her. "What about Coi?" Jenn asks, her smirking while she is still in my arms. "Aw, fudge it!" Ali shouts and she kisses a surprised Connor, who finally kisses back. "Ooh get it Connor!!" I shout, and they both pull back, and blush.

Ali's POV

I KISSED CONNOR! YASS! I got out my phone, and took a picture of me in Connor's lap, kissing his cheek, while he smiles. "@alikd: @connorfranta is now MY BOYFRIEND! #coi" read the description. Connor got the notification, and he smiled and kissed me again. The first and second comment were from Sam and Jenn, who were in the same room. I blushed, as Connor wrapped his arms around me.

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