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I wake up, feeling my stomach twist as soon as I remember what we're going to do today. I get out of bed and walk towards my bathroom, taking a relaxing shower. It's only 8:30, so we have plenty of time to relax before our big day. After 20 minutes I hop out of the shower, dry myself and walk to my closet, spending about another 20 minutes standing in front of with. Eventually, I pick a pair of high waisted shorts, a t-shirt and a hoodie. I was a cloudy day, and the temperatures aren't going to hit 77 degrees. 

After I finished my outfit and make-up, which basically consists of a bit of mascara,  walk to the kitchen. Claire was still in her towel, eating some cereal. I ask her if she's ready for today. She shakes her head, continuing to eat.

"I don't think I'm either, but let's fucking do it," I say, trying to hype her up. Or make to hype myself even more. She laughs at me and puts her empty bowl in the sink. I go outside to eat my yoghurt while Claire is going to change. I look at my phone, scrolling through my notifications. My mom texted me if I wanted to call her because she misses me. I decide I call her later. Then I notice I had an Instagram DM from Ethan.

ethandolan sent: Maybe a good idea to exchange numbers for today?

I reply by sending our numbers. It's insane to think that I actually got asked for my number by one of the Dolan twins. I decide to call my mom.

"Hey sweetie," she says as she picks up the phone.

"Hi mom, I miss you!"

"I miss you too, how are you, girls?"

 "It's amazing here mom! The house is amazing and we already made some friends actually!"

"Oh really! Tell me!" she laughs.

"Well, do you remember Claire's youtube obsession?" I chuckle.

"Oh the two pretty boys?" she asks.

"Yes exactly! Well, as a matter of fact, they live right down our street and we've been hanging out with them."

"You're kidding me" I hear my moms disbelieve in her voice.

"No, I'm dead serious!" I say, and Claire just walks outside and sits next to me. She mouths 'is that your mom?' and I nod.

"HI KAREN", she yells through the phone.

"I put you on speaker okay?" I ask my mom and she agrees.

"So you two are actually hanging with the twins?" she asks, still not really believing it.

"Yeah, we really are! I'll send you some selfies as prove," Claire says and she texts my mom 2 photos.

"Wait, let me take a look," we hear. 

"No way!" she then says.

"Yeah and guess what else!" I say excitedly.

"Do I want to know? Now that you're hanging out with them?" she laughs, and we do too.

"I don't think so but I'll tell you anyway," I say. "Remember one of Luke's biggest dreams?"

"I can think of many right now," she chuckles.

"Well, we're going skydiving today!" I say rather loudly.

"No seriously Julia? I really don't want you to do that." She says, disappointed.

"I know, but you're not here to stop me and by the time you get here I could've jumped about 4 times".

"Okay, but please be safe and don't jump with the twins but with a professional, and please call me before and after you go, and also-"

"Yes okay mom," I sigh.

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