The Dare

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(Luan,s pov) Luan:(thinking) it was a regular day at school or so I thought.

Benny: what are you staring at luan.

Luan: nothing just thinking.

Benny: aren't you going to pull a prank on someone or tell bad jokes.

Luan: not today.

Benny: well that's odd see you later.

Luan: Bye.

(Benny,s POV)(Benny with luan,s other friends)

Benny: guys I just passed luan in the hall and she didn't even tell a bad joke something has to be up. (Luna overhears part of their conversation and walks away)  

Tricia: I don't know maybe she just didn't want to.

Tommy:  oh come on luan not even trying to pull a joke somethings up.

Tricia: or someone luan was staring at something, wasn't she?

Benny: I didn't tell you that.

Tricia: I spied on you from around the corner.

Benny: well that's creepy.

Tricia: I know.

Tommy: I have an idea why don't we follow luan around to try to see what's up with her.

Benny: what a great idea I will now take all the credit for.

Tricia: come on guys lets go.

(at the park)(Maggie,s POV)

Luan: oh hey maggie.

Maggie:(blushing) hi loud talk later gotta go.

Luan: Bye.

(Maggie's friends)

Cally: Truth or dare

Maggie: dare

Cally: I dare you to go up to that loud girl luan and make her your girlfriend

Keith: come on you have to its the truth or dare rule 

Maggie: Fine how many days do I have(thinking) oh no I actually like luan what if she finds out it was because of a dare then this will all be for nothing.

Cally: 10 days also goodbye see you later

Maggie: Bye

(Cally,s POV)

Dacota: why did you dare her to do that

Cally: duh have you seen the way she looks at that loud girl  I'm just giving her a push in the right direction.

Dacota: oh ok.

(lucy peers her head around the corner and goes away)

(Maggie,s POV)

Maggie: hi loud.

Luan: hi maggie wanna hear a joke.

Maggie: sure.

Luan: if I could rearrange the alphabet I would put u and I together.

Maggie:(thinking) did she just use a pickup line on me wait does luan actually like me well it could not be il just play it cool and say something back)(saying) why not any other two(blushing).

Luan: that's the joke.

Maggie: (blushing)ok bye


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