Meeting the family

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(Maggie,s POV) (at the loud house) 

Maggie: can I actually meet your family this time loud

Luan: um sure but don't be too alarmed though I have a bunch of sibling 9 sisters and 1 brother to be exact

Maggie: I know I was at your house before remember

Luan: oh yeah I remember that

Lori: oh I literally  see you brought your girlfrie--- friend over

Luan: it's fine she is my (whispers) girlfreind this time

Lori: ok I'm literally calling the other sibling for introductions also  literally words of advice luna brought Sam over today

Lily: poopoo

Luan: shes lily

Maggie: aww cute 

Lisa: I see you have brought another  test subje--- some company over  hello individual my name is Lisa

Lola: hi I,m Lola  the best of the twins

Lana: hi I,m Lana  and Lola I,m the best of the twins

(lol and Lana fight out of the room)

Lucy: I see you brought your girlfriend over Luan by the way I,m lucy

Lincoln: hi I,m Lincoln

lynn: hi I,m Lynn the toughest of the 11 siblings

Luna: nice to meet you dude I,m luna

Leni: Hi I'm Leni I think

Lori: hi I,m  literally Lori

Luna: I'm gonna go hang out with sam see you later

(*my other ship*)

Luan: why don't we go hang out in the park

Maggie: sure

(at the park)

Maggie:  well you weren't kidding when you said  your family was a bit much how do you even manage it all

Luan:(blushing) honesty I don't know

(time skip)

Maggie: see you later loud

Luan:(blushing) bye

Luan Loud x Maggie storyWhere stories live. Discover now