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Do you ever just feel so comfortable in the morning that you don't want to move? I mean, you just feel so comfortable that all you want to do is just lay there and enjoy the warmth circulating around you. That's exactly how I was feeling. My alarm hadn't even gone off yet, so I was content with just laying there and enjoying the relaxation. I sighed as I pulled my blanket even further up. Truly, it was a great way to start my morning.

And then she came in.

I flinched at the sound of my door being kicked open. It flew with such a force that it hit the wall behind it, making me sink deeper into my blanket. I silently cursed myself for thinking that I could just enjoy being awake for one day.

I could hear her footsteps thumping across the floorboards as she dashed to my bed. I braced myself for impact.  In an instant, a weight was thrown upon me. She didn't stop there, of course. She already got this far. It only made perfect sense for her to start violently shaking me while yelling in my ear.

"Wake up you lazy child! Hurry before a werewolf comes to eat your face!"

"We don't have werewolves in this city," I mumbled.

"Maybe we don't," she said as she moved down to rip the covers off me. "But we do have one crazy demon, and that should be enough to motivate lazy boys like you to get out of bed."

"It's not even a school day, what do you want?" I curled into a ball in a futile attempt to keep at least some of the warmth I once had.

"Sleepy boys don't get information."

At this point, she was practically dragging me out of bed. I knew she was going to commit, but I also wanted to sleep. It was in this moment that I had to decide whether or not it was worth getting my head smashed on my bed frame, and then the floor, just so I could sleep in. Truthfully, I think it would be worth it. Of course, that would also mean putting up with Jasmine for the rest of the day.

In a split second, I had kicked my leg free from her grasp and was standing on my feet.

"Okay, I'm up. What do you want?" I said slowly.

She dusted herself off as she stood up with this giant grin on her face.

"It's a surprise."

"What? You're not even gonna tell me why you almost killed me to wake me up?"


"Screw this, I'm going back to bed."

She started walking out of my room as I made my way back to my bed. Before she left, she called out, "That's a shame. I was really looking forward to breakfast with you."


"Yeah, a big one too," she added as she went through the door frame.

I hesitated for a moment before yelling out, "I'll be down in two minutes."

Within ten minutes, we were already out the door and driving to who knows where. She still refused to tell me what it was she was planning on doing. Knowing her, it could've been anything. I wasn't worried, though. She'd never put me in danger unless she was the danger, and it wasn't like she could do much here. Our city wasn't small by any means which meant that there would always be witnesses to whatever antics she had.

Before long, we had pulled into a packed parking lot. I already could tell what we were going to do, and I let out a loud groan.

"Don't complain, we'll only be here for an hour at most."

"An hour? That's way too long."

"Whiny boys don't get breakfast."

I glared at her but kept my mouth shut. Sometimes I really wished she couldn't kill me with a wave of her hand.

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