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I've never been much of a person for coffee. I prefer hot chocolate, really. Not even with anything added, just straight chocolate and hot milk. Jasmine of all people would know that, and yet she gave me a cup of plain, black coffee this morning. I thought maybe today was one of her off days and that she'd get better with some rest, but I was clearly mistaken. The whole week she kept making little mistakes. It might sound like I'm nitpicking, but they were mistakes that she would never normally make.

She did things like forgetting appointments she'd made with students and staff, dropping things all over the place, and not even paying attention when people spoke to her. Today was even worse, though. She didn't even show up for work. I didn't think it was strange when she drove off since we get to school earlier than everyone else, and sometimes she gets coffee for the teachers, but she didn't come back afterward. Of course, all the staff members were worried. I don't like exaggerating, but Jasmine is pretty much what holds them all together.

During lunch, one of the teachers came up to me looking anxious.

"Oh, Kayden, there you are. Please tell me, have you seen Jasmine anywhere? I asked her to help teach my class later this afternoon and I can't find her."

"I don't think she's here, Miss Watts."

"Really? Is she sick? Did she get hurt?"

"No, nothing like that. She just went somewhere this morning. I'm not really sure where, but I'm sure she'll be back in time to help teach."

"I sure hope so. Well, give me a shout if you see her."

As soon as she turned the corner, I pulled out my phone to try calling her. I stood in the hallway listening to the dial tones for what felt like hours. Lunch was only halfway over, but that still meant she hadn't responded to any of my calls for about twenty minutes. I tried one last resort and sent a quick message to her. Jasmine, where the heck are you? All the teachers are worried, and now I'm starting to get worried too.

I had only just started the walk to the cafeteria before my phone vibrated. I pulled it out and, lo and behold, she had replied near instantly. I'm fine, you donut. You all worry too much about me.

As relieved as I was to see that she was okay, I was still mad that she not only ditched us all at school but also had the time to text me but not answer any of my calls. Well, it's hard not to be worried when you don't show up for work.

I have a good reason for not showing up.

I narrowed my eyes at the screen. It was a silly gesture but how could she just think that it was okay to leave us? And what would that reason be?

I stared in anticipation at those three little dots. I've been working really hard nonstop for the past fifteen years. I just thought it'd be nice to have a little break.

She really knew how to tug on the heartstrings. Even with all the anger pent up inside me, I couldn't bring myself to yell at her. You're right, you do deserve a break. But why did you do it like this? You could've told everyone you were leaving at least.

I know, I'm sorry. Still, thing's aren't going that badly are they?

I remembered how frantic Miss Watts looked. As much as I hated to ruin her fun, I had to bring some type of order back here. Just, come back here. You're supposed to be teaching a class today.

She stopped replying after that, but I still hoped that she understood what she needed to do. I sighed and started toward my next class.


"Are you sure you don't want just one more?"

I stood up and used a napkin to clean my face. "I'm very sure, my belt's already struggling. Besides I have to get going."

The Good Samaritanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن