chapter 1

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The sky was dark and foggy, it was raining hard. In the mists of the rain a boy with bright red hair sat on a park bench. His hair covered his face as he looked at the ground. It was not clear whether his face was wet from rain or tears...
Silver sighed thinking to himself "why...I let this happen..".

A black haired boy named gold trotted through the rainy park hopeing to find a rare water type pokemon. From the distance he saw the soaking wet boy he knew as his rival. His face lit up and he made his way towards silver "hey silver!"he said energetically.

Silver looked up in shock and embarrassment for his rival to see him like was pathetic. He quickly wiped his face and looked back down trying to ignore him. This however didn't deter gold as he went straight up to him. He seemed to notice something was wrong this was not his usual behaviour.

"Silver are you alright?"he asked concerned. Silver replyed"im fine now please go away" gold looked at him in shock, for silver to use such a soft tone was quite unlike him. Gold continued to speak "silver it's raining and your soaking wet...why are you still out here?"

"Gold please stop.. just leave please" gold reached out his hand and touched silver on the shoulder. Silver looked up at him still a little teary eyed, he looked so insecure and weak.
"Silver look I know something is wrong".

Silver got up and started to walk of gold grabbed his wrist."look silver im sorry but you have to tell me what is wrong"

Silver pulled his wrist out of gold's grip."I got kicked out of apartment ok!!! Now can you stop pestering me". Gold looked at him wide eyed."silver you don't have anywhere to go do you"

"No"he replied.
Gold sighed "look I know you won't like this but... You should stay with me at my house for a bit."
Silver looked at him with dead eyes"no". "Silver please I can't leave you like this..and what about you Pokémon they need somewhere to go to" silver stared at him"f-fine.."

Gold grabed his arm and pulled him in the direction of his house.

End of chapter 1

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