The beginning

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First few chapters are always shorter

I stood on the metal rails, the only thing keeping me from plunging to my death. If I jumped I probably had a one in a million chance of survival. The jagged boulders along the cliff stood threateningly as if daring me to try my luck. Black waves crash against the rock with such ferocity I could feel the slight spray of water 30 meters above.

'It's a shame' I think looking round. Here I am about to jump off a motorway bridge to my death and not a single car has stopped. What an awful world to live in. People too focused on their boring lives to save one from ending.

Maybe I'm just not worth the time. But I know deep down I was secretly hoping for someone to stop and save me.

Maybe it is best if I just jump? Why would I want to live in a world that has become that ignorant to what's going on outside of their computer screens?

Damn it Grace. Stop overthinking things.


I take my last breath of oxygen and let go of the other railing above me and hold my foot over the drop.

Just as I am ready to step out a large guy jumps up onto the railing and sits next to me lighting a cigarette.

I scoff "excuse me, I'm trying to die here?"

He shrugs "go on then, I won't stop you."

I frown confused and sit down next to him. "Why?"

As the stranger takes a long drag from his cigarette I take a chance to observe his features. He was big, about 6 ft and quite rugged looking. His hair is chocolate brown and is tied back in a bun. From the side his jaw seemed to be so sharp I wonder if I can draw blood with it. Forest green eyes turn to face me.

"You see, if you wanted to die....


'Grace' you would've already jumped" He states hopping down from the rail and holding his hand out for me to take.

I hesitantly take his hand and climb back over the rails almost slipping in the process.

Before I could thank the stranger he began to walk off.

"Wait! I don't even know your name!" I called out after him but he kept on walking.

I deflated and kicked a can on the pavement before I turned to walk back in the direction of my home.

A voice called out above the heavy traffic.

"The names River."

River? What an odd name.

As I took the same route back to my stupid house I couldn't help but think of the strange man with the green eyes. How was he so certain that I wasn't going to jump?

But he had been right, I didn't want to die. Not really. I just wanted it to end. The never ending drag that life seemed to be.

A sharp chill ran down my spine as thick grey clouds covered the smoggy sky. It was about to rain and here I am, in a thin coat and skirt.

Just my luck.

I bury my numb hands within the pockets until I feel a sharp scratch.

"Ouch, papercut!" I jump before pulling out a folded piece of paper that wasn't in my pocket earlier.

Still standing in the now pouring rain I open up the paper. The first thing I notice is the strange moon like symbol on the top, then the 4 simple words.

'11pm, same spot. Freedom.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2019 ⏰

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