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Aubree's POV

It's been 2 days since Billie told me she liked me, I sent her millions of messages and no reply for each message. Today was Friday, Amelia was taking me out to "cheer me up" for her not replying but I was doing fine.

"Bree? Are you ready?" Amelia asked me

"Yeah, one second" I say while applying on some mascara

We then leave, I had no idea where we were going but I hoped we didn't stay long where ever it was.

We arrived at our destination, it was a  stadium, for some sport. Was she really bringing me to see some sport at 6pm? My sister's crazy!
We then walk into the building and it is packed, why was there a lot of people?
Amelia then gave in 2 tickets, I don't know what they were, we followed security to the front row, we would never have enough money to sit in the front row of everything!!

Suddenly, a girl with an odd sense of clothing style comes out. Her silver hair blowing around in the wind, she then looks at me. She looks me in the eyes and we stay like that for what seems forever, she gives a smile and walks off to do what she was doing.

I turned to Amelia with a confused look.

"Why is Billie here? Why are we here?" I asked

"Billie couldn't wait to meet you so she asked me if you could come earlier and so we did" she replied

I nodded and looked on the stage where Billie and some other people were, music then started playing and she started singing.

"Don't be that way
Fall apart twice a day
I just wish you could feel what you say
Show, never tell
But I know you too well
Got a mood that you wish you could sell"

You could hear the emotions in her voice as she sang.


After the concert Amelia grabbed my hand and we went backstage and there was Billie, standing, staring at me. I look behind me to see Amelia is gone, I frown and all of a sudden Billie walks over to me.

"Hey" she says with a grin

I don't even bother saying "Hi" I just start crying, and she brings me into a hug.

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