author's note/introduction

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Hello readers,

This is my first time trying to write a story in English. English isn't my native language there will be grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and I'm also sure there will be errors in sentences. This story will be a first draft maybe later on I will edit it but for now it will be just a werewolf story. So when you comment about these things I will maybe fix them in the future but not now.

This story follows many tropes in the genre but I will try to give it my own spin. I will use the usual terms that you will find in most werewolf books, so if this is your first time reading about werewolves it maybe a little confusing at times but I'm sure that in the end it will all make sense. Otherwise you can always read other books in the genre that explain things in greater detail.

But the most important thing is that I will not stand for any abusive language in the comment's. Be respectful to one another and I hope you will enjoy my story.

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