Chapter 1

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Man and women are running around the village putting up decorations, preparing for the mating festival. I stare off in the distance, thinking about last year's festival. When we went to the mating festival of the Stone wolves pack. Their packhouse stood atop a beautiful mountain, the festival had been successful for Alpha James he finally found his Luna. She is part of one of the oldest bloodlines, they stem from the first of lycanthropes. Our pack is also part of this bloodline but a couple of decades ago we hit some hard times. Many wolves were jobless and our village decayed from being one of the most successful to whispers at a party. Since our new Luna we've started to get back to our former selves a little bit. But most buildings still look like they could use reparations. This year it's our turn to host the mating festival.
'hey sleepy wake up we have work to do', says my sister Layla to me. 'Sorry I'm just nervous, I feel like this year is going to be different then previous years. Like something is going to happen'.
'You think you will finally meet your mate?' I look at my sister's face that reminds me so much of mine with her blue eyes and long raven black hair, except mine is cut short in a bob.
'I'm not sure I'm ready to meet my mate yet, since I turned 18 just a couple months ago I still feel like a teenager not somebody who's going to be somebody's mate and have pups of my own'.
'you know mom was 18 when she got Adam and she was ready to be a mom'. My sister looks at me expectantly like she hopes to see something that isn't there. Our whole life we have been prepared to be a wife, to be a mother. That's what everybody expects from us but the closer we're getting to the future, the more I realize that I'm not ready.
'But I'm not mom'. Layla sighs, as the older sister who had met her mate two years ago, she was the exact image of their mother. Layla had met her mate Thomas when she was 18 at the mating festival, she married him as soon as possible and is now pregnant with their firstborn. I'm happy for them but lately my mother and sister seemed to be determent to get me to find my mate and follow them in their footsteps.
'Don't worry I'm sure that you will change your mind when you meet him. Before I met Thomas I also had my doubt's but once I met him, I knew what really mattered. Family.
But come we have to get ready for tonight, especially you this is your chance to meet your mate.'
Layla takes my arm and we walk towards our house on the outskirts of the village, near the edge of the forest. When we walk in our mom is running around trying to get everybody ready for tonight.
' Star you haven't changed yet for tonight?' says my mom as soon as she sees me walking in.
'Layla take your sister to her room, I have already laid her dress on her bed.' Layla takes me quickly to my room not wanting to stress my mother out even more. I look behind me as I see my mom help my father get ready. Even after being married for more then 20 years, I see the love they have for each other. They are the fairytale every wolf want. When we get in my room I see a beautiful red gown laying on my bed. I put the gown on and look in the mirror. The gown shows off my curves in a way I never seen before, I never thought that I could look sexy. But looking in the mirror I looked at someone I knew I wasn't, but I knew my family wanted me to be this person, that would find a mate and be a wife. Never thinking about what I want.
'Star you look beautiful! Every man at the festival will look at you, you're mate won't be able to resist you looking like this.' Layla puts on make-up and clips my hair with a beautiful hairclip covered in crystals with matching earrings and bracelet. We go downstairs, everybody looks at me in awe as if they have never seen me before.
'Star you look gorgeous.' Says my father, when he looks at me I see how proud he is of me.
'My little girl is growing up right before my eyes, it feels like yesterday when I held you in my arms for the first time.' I feel my cheeks redden as everybody keeps staring. ' Harry don't embarrass the girl like that come, let's meet up with the town before the festivities officially begin tonight we don't want to be late.' My mother ushers us out the door, for the next couple of hours we talk to the neighbors and see the pack do the finishing touches for the night. When the night falls, wolves from all the packs keep flowing in. We are all ate the grand estate that is the packhouse/alpha's house. The estate has a huge lawn with beautiful flowers and the most beautiful gardens reminding me of pictures I've seen of Versailles. When everybody is in the gorgeous ballroom that is in gold from head to toe. All the Alpha's are sitting at the balcony's overlooking us normal wolves. We're waiting for Alpha James and Luna Catherine to open the evening.
'Did you see Alpha Ronan from the bloodmoon pack tonight?' asks my sister curiously. She has had a crush on him since we were children, even now that she has Thomas she still has a soft spot for Alpha Ronan. She never stopped talking about how beautiful he is. How he looks like a god in comparison to everybody else. I was always wary of him his pack was known to be one of the most vicious that ever existed. Like one time a wolf had disrespected his sister and the next morning they had found him hanging from a tree while being shredded. When they first found him they didn't even recognize it was the same wolf that had disrespected his sister.
'was he even invited?' I asked my sister surprised if he would have been invited knowing his reputation.
'Of course he was invited, Alpha James would never disrespect him like that, it would be suicide if he wouldn't invite him.' Layla gives me reprimanding look, as if it was even stupid to ask such a question. I knew that for her all of the pack politics was juicy gossip that she could talk about with her friends. But for me it just seemed so trivial, especially when I read all about faraway places I knew I would never go to no matter how much I would want it. My fate has been sealed for me since I was born. Alpha James and Luna Catherine walk up the stage when they want to begin their speech. The doors open and a loud gasp sounds throughout the crowd shocked by the stranger walking in.

 The doors open and a loud gasp sounds throughout the crowd shocked by the stranger walking in

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Btw, this is what star's gown looks like.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2018 ⏰

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