Benefits of Summer School (a thread)

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- you can take classes for the grade ahead of you and get ahead in your classes. For example, I took grade 11 English in summer while I was still in grade 10. And then hen school started I took grade 12 so I was done all my english classes by grade 11.
- its awesome to get over a class quickly, lets say you hate math. You can do around 4 weeks (its 4 weeks for me) of math and be done instead of 4/5 months of math during the school.
- you can meet new people. I met a bunch of people who don't even live in my town because my school offers summer school for basically the whole district so I met a couple of people from different schools and they were pretty cool people
- instead of focusing on a bunch of subjects, you can focus on one instead. That way the workload isnt as big and you aren't stressing as much on learning 8 different subjects at once but only one
- you can get your gpa up. Im talking biology again and even tho I didnt fail my class, I want to get my gap up and they'll use your summer school mark and if you do good in summer school, then bam you have a better gpa.

Note: This was not my personal experience

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