Study Schedule For Exams

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1. List out all the chapters from all your subjects that will be in the exam
This will make sure you're not missing out anything during your revision and you're clear about what you have to study.

2. For each subject, identify which chapters you're stronger and weaker at
You would want to spend more time on the areas that you are weaker at, rather than waste time on the areas you're already slayin.

3. Identify the subjects you need to spend more time on
There's just that subject we can't really get right, and so even though it sucks we have to dedicate more time to it in our study schedule

4. Is your school organizing revision classes? Add that to your schedule.
I usually don't count these classes as part of my revision but usually, teachers would give exam tips that would be really helpful. On those days, my revision time would be lesser, so I'll make up for it during the weekend by waking up early for example. Add in your tuition classes too!!

5. Choose a platform to lay out your study schedule
I first plan everything on an excel sheet because I can edit it whenever I want unlike when I write it down. But after finishing the excel sheet I will write down what I'll be studying for the WEEK ONLY on my a4 weekly planner from kikki.k that's on my desk so I can always refer to it while I'm studying to see what's next. When the next week comes I'll write on my weekly planner again.

Making a study schedule will be vexing and time-consuming but once it's done it's going to make your life for the next week or months so much easier. Be prepared to spend a few hours planning. Turn on some nice music, make yourself your favourite drink, and whip out those subjects syllabus.
First of all, you spend a heck of an effort to make that schedule. Respect yourself and try your best to stick with it. While making the study schedule, be realistic and not try to burden yourself with too much work.
I use this amazing app called "clearfocus" that basically allows me to set a time I'll study for, and when the timer ends I get to rest for a certain time. So I could study for 30 mins and rest for 5 mins. There's also a function that when the timer for studying is on, the wifi and internet will automatically turn off which helps ALOT with distraction. If you can't find that app, I'm pretty sure there are alternatives, SO NO EXCUSES.
On my weekly planner, I'll cross out whenever I'm done with a block of revision so it gives me that sense of accomplishment that gets me wanting to achieve more.
At the end of my study schedule and when the exam period is finally here, I look through all my tangible weekly planners and see all that I've accomplished and feel good about myself, because no matter what, I did my best, prepared myself, and what comes from it is what I'll get and be happy with.
You should be too. As long as you did your best, you did good.


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