Troll Matchmaker!!!!!!!!!!!!

201 9 17

Mastermind has made a new chat: cum if u want 2 know ur match!!!!

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Mastermind: :P so who's going first?

Tsunami: I know I'm with riptide so I guess I will

Mastermind: tsunami ur with: Deathbringer

Tsunami: ??????????

Riptide: ??????????????????

Deathbringer: ????????????'?????????????????

Mastermind: who's next?

Starflight: I guess ill go...

Mastermind: lol ur with peril!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peril: uh...

Starflight: DAD!!!!!! >:(

Clay: :(

Mastermind: so...

Glory: if tsunamis wif Deathbringer then who m I wif?

Mastermind: ...

Glory: who am I wif!!??!!

Mastermind: uh... Ur wif....................Morrowseer

Glory: WAT

Starflight: lol

Glory: well u got the most deadly dragon in pyrrhia

Starflight ...

Clay: me next I guess...

Mastermind: clay ur with fierceteeth, starflights sister

Clay: not sure if good or bad

Sunny: BAD

Starflight: BAD

Clay: :'(

Mastermind: sunny, Quibli and riptide r only ones left so sunny ur turn

Sunny: k

Mastermind: sunny ur 4ever alone

Sunny: :'(

Quibli: it's ok beetle.

Sunny: *sniff* thx quibquib

Mastermind: riptide, ur turn

Riptide: I'm gonna be sad no matter wat cuz tsunamis taken:'(

Mastermind: riptide ur with anemone

Riptide: :D closest thing to tsunami!

Mastermind: Quibli ur with a MudWing named croc

Quibli: not with beetle :'(

Mastermind: lol bye

Mastermind has closed the chat

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2014 ⏰

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