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"welcome to hawkins high school!" the lady behind the desk seemed past her fifties, and her weird smile creeped mike just a little. "your guide is waiting for you outside, you can meet him there and he'll show you the entire school."

okay, now her smile was creeping mike out a lot.

"thanks." he mumbled, grabbing the piece of paper the woman was handing him and rushing out of the office, since there was something a little unsettling of being there for some unknown, weird reason.

"hello, newbie!" mike forced a smile at the nickname a curly haired boy had just given him. "i'm dustin, your tour guide of today. this is will, he is new as well so he will be with us."

"hey." will said, giving mike a toothy smile as he extended his hand at him.

"hey." mike limited himself to say as he shook his hand, feeling awkward and nervous.

"so, let the official tour begin!" dustin exclaimed, a little bit more excited than what either mike and will would consider normal.

"that's the arts department over there." dustin pointed at a tall red building, and mike noticed the way will's face lightened up. "let's sit down, i'll answer all of your questions.

they were right next to the football field, where physical education class was about to start. they didn't have that schedule - good for mike, he had the same one as dustin and will -, so they had the opportunity to stay outside and eat as they chatted, forgetting about the questions they were supposed to be asking.

"hey, man!"

the three turned their heads up to find a dark skinned boy walking to them with a wide grin.

"mike, will, this is lucas." dustin pointed at the boy, who waved and sat down on the grass with them. "lucas, these are mike and will, they are new."

lucas smiled at them, and just like that he joined their conversation about star wars.

"watch it, freak!" a feminine voice yelled from afar, which made the four boys look to the football field, where the sound had come from.

they saw a kid lying on the floor, and two girls looking down at him despicably.

"who are them?" mike wondered, frowning.

"the redhead is max mayfield." dustin explained. "one of the most popular girls at school. daughter of a famous music producer."

"she's super rich, and she knows everything about everyone." lucas winced, clearing his throat afterwards.

"that's why her hair is so big." dustin smirked. "it's full of secrets."

"the blonde one is jennifer hayes." lucas said. "she is one of the dumbest girls you will ever meet."

"well, she used to be until her parents made her go to a maths summer camp and she became some kind of genius i guess." dustin coughed, and grabbed some chips from will's bag.

mike squeezed his eyes, noticing a brunette walking to the two girls. she whispered something at them, and then walked to the boys' direction, grabbing her water from the floor and drinking some. she was at a fair distance now, enough to let mike see her and how her face looked like.

she was definitely one of the most gorgeous girls he had ever seen.

cheeks lightly flushed, delicate cheekbones, full rosy lips, a cute button nose, sun kissed skin, and with a beautiful honey brown hair that cascaded down her shoulders in luscious waves.

"who's that?" mike pointed at the girl, who was now running to max and jennifer with her curls bouncing behind her.

"stop drooling, dude. it's never gonna happen." lucas said, shaking his head.

"that's jane hopper. she's the queen bee, a star. the other two are just her little workers."

"jane hopper." lucas said. "how do i even begin to explain jane hopper?"

"everyone says she is flawless." dustin claimed. "she has two fendi purses and a silver lexus."

"i hear her hair is insured for ten thousand dollars." lucas said, and mike and will both opened their eyes widely. "and i hear she does car commercials... in japan."

"her favorite movie is varsity blues." dustin continued. "one time, she met john stamos on a plane, and he told her she was pretty."

"one time, she punched troy in the face." lucas grinned. "it was awesome."

new story lol.

i really need to stop writing a lot of books because then i abandon the others fml.

so i saw the 'thank u, next' video (it is awesome) and thought about this hehe, that's why this is literally all from mean girls. (if you haven't watched this movie, do it. it's iconic)

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