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and there she was again, the famous, the one and only, jane hopper.

she wasn't wearing her gym class uniform anymore, she was now sporting a light pink crop top, denim jeans with a leather belt, a white pair of converses, and her hair wasn't tied up, falling in voluminous honey waves. she looked pretty.

mike hadn't had a class with her yet, but well, it was just lunchtime and he had only had four classes in the whole day.

jane sat down in the table that was right in the middle of the cafeteria, surrounded by jocks and cheerleaders. everyone around her cheered when they saw her, as if she was some kind of celebrity, to which she only giggled with max, who was next to her.

"why are you still staring at her?"

mike shook his head to wake himself up from his daydream, and to see will looking at him curiously. "i think i know her."

"the whole school does." will pointed out, grinning as he watched his new friend roll his eyes.

"no, i mean, i think she used to be my friend back in chicago." mike explained, leaning to will as if he was telling him a secret.

"really?" will asked, wide eyed. "how was she back then?"

"she was really... shy." mike shrugged. "me and this other boy called sebastian were her only friends, but it was nice. she was nice. but, she moved away three years ago and never got in touch with us. then sebastian left the school too, so i was left alone the entire last year."

"was she as pretty?" will teased, wiggling his eyebrows before mike punched his arm.

"shut up, idiot."

"you should go and say hi to her, maybe she'll remember you." will encouraged him, to which he winced.

"i don't know. she seems different." mike said. "the only thing that's still the same are her converses."

"just give it a try, in the end, if she doesn't recognize you, you can just walk away and never talk to her again. or who knows! maybe you'll become friends with her again."

"fine, but this was your idea." mike stood up from where he was sitting, taking a deep breath before nervously approaching the table full of teenagers who were exactly like the type of people who bullied him back in chicago.

the laughter subsided once the group of teen royalty saw mike walking to them, and now they were just all giggling and whispering about his appearance and what he must be like.

"um, excuse me, is there anything you need?" jane asked in a sweet voice, raising an eyebrow quizzically.

"uh, yeah, it's me, mike!" mike grinned, but was surprised to see jane raise her eyebrow even more in response. "from chicago. we used to be best friends? you were my neighbor!"

"um, i think you are talking to the wrong person. i've never talked to a mike." jane explained with a warm smile. "or someone like you."

"someone like me? what do you mean?" mike frowned, as everyone around jane chuckled.

"yeah, you're just... not the type of people i hang out with. you're just... i don't know, a little bit too nerdy for my taste." she giggled. "no offense."

"are you kidding me?" mike asked, wincing as more and more people gathered around the table to see what was going on. "well, you're not the type of people i hang out with either. i usually don't like mouth breathers like you."

jane laughed, and everyone else around her did as well. "what the hell is a mouth breather?"

"you know exactly what that is." mike was basically fuming. why would she pretend that she doesn't know him?

"no, i don't. just like i don't know who the fuck are you." jane smirked. "actually, i know exactly who you are."

"and that would be?" the redhead next to jane, max, asked with a playful smirk, seemingly having a lot of fun.

"you are just another nerd out of the bunch." jane smirked. "you think you're so great because of how smart you are, right? well, guess what, idiot, you're not. you will just grow up to be just as sad as you father surely is, with a shitty job and a shitty life."

"yeah? and what about you, princess?" mike growled, feeling his own face go red because of anger. "you think your life is so perfect with your beauty and money, but guess what? it's not, and you aren't either. there's more in life than that."

"my life may not be perfect, but it is way better than what yours could ever afford to be." jane spat out, standing up from her chair with a loud thud from her chair. she looked up at mike, who was seemingly taller than her, and smiled widely. "vote for me as your homecoming queen, frogface!"

what the fuck?

what was mike doing there, at her new school, in hawkins? was this some kind of sick joke?

he had gotten taller, like, a lot taller. she could probably stand on her tiptoes standing next to him and just reach his shoulders.

his face wasn't as round as it used to be, either. his cheekbones had gotten defined, his lips were somehow fuller, he had more freckles and his hair wasn't straight anymore, now being styled in jet black curls.

cute cute cute cute- she had thought, shaking her head anytime she would think about it. she smiled at the memory of her 'giving him a lesson' back in the cafeteria, because that way she had let people know she was still jane hopper, the queen bee, completely unbothered.

her stomach did weird twirls every time she thought about everything she had said. he was a nerd, sure, but she knew he was a little bit insecure about it and yet, she still teased him because of it.

but the worst part of all of it was what she said about his father. she knew how ted wheeler was, she hated him with every fiber of her heart. she had been there for mike whenever ted yelled at him, calling him horrible nicknames that no kid should ever receive from his dad.

yeah, she should probably apologize.

later, and in secret.

people cannot know that jane hopper will apologize to a nerd.

1063 words uwu

i never proofread.

i should probably not publish this story because i have a lot of unfinished ones but fuck it i'm gonna write whatever i wanna write.

december 03, 2018.

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