When all it started.

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It was very,very cloudy and rainy at the morning of August 27th -my 21 birthday. „What a mess" I thought. Since I've woke up and stood up my bed,nothing will come easly this day. At first my cat had been searching around for some mice,which was totally frustrating,especially when it did it at 4 a.m. (Yeah,I'm on my legs since that hour) than my parents would do some work in the front of my bedroom door and by the time,it would become louder and louder. „That's enough!" I've reached some fresh towels and my velet,little black dress which I've made myself for my birthday. I've moved torward to the bathroom and locked myself in my little oasis. It has to be the start of the better day.

Few minutes later I've heard that someone was nocking with determinantion (it was fucking loud) and as fast as I could I ran away to open that door. „Yeah,right,who could that be?" As I was opening the door I saw a cloud of dark brown,curlied hair and probably the most happy person alive underneath on the Eart.
-„It's your 21st birthday babe! I can believe you are such an old cow!"
-„Wow,Brian,you are such a great friend,I now that I am getting older but you don't need to remind me about it every single day this month!"
-„I'm sorry Eliza,but I'm so so so
-„Yeah,I can tell" I've laughed at him
-„You'll see.This would be the best day of your life" he shouted.
-„Bri,I admire your passion but for now it doesn't seems like it would be" I sighed.
-„Meh,you're complaning too much.Belive me or not but It will be. I need to finally introduce you to the band members.
-„I just can't wait"I replied.
-„I can sense a pinch of sarcasm in your voice"
-„You don't say?" I smiled.
-„Goddamn,you're such an ironic person but I love you to the moon and back"
-„And I love you too Bri,but for now let me just get myself ready for the night out,ok?
-„Ok my darling,I'll see you around 8 p.m at The Rainbow?"
-„ And ohhh,I would forgot,I've got something for you"
-„Bri,you should not have to" Reciving presents just made me feel uncomfortable because I don't know what to do when I'm getting it out of my friends hands.
-„Shut up,it's nothing.Just take a look"
He gave me maroon,velvet,the tiniest box I've ever seen.
-„Just open it okey?"
-„Right,here we go"
And what I've seen made my day the most perfect one. There was a little heart-shaped silver necklace with „Eliza-you are my best friend" gravered on the front of the gift. And as I could see it has a place for our photo inside.
-„I've already out something in there,it you doesn't mind"
-„ Of course I don't mind,Bri,this is the greatest gift I've ever recived,I love you." I huged him.
-„Okey,we need to make ourselfs pretty" Brian laughed.
-„You're totally right,okey,go home and we'll meet at the club.
-„Surely,bye,happy birthday sweetheart"
-„See ya soon!"

And for the first time that day I'd
thought that it really might be perfect.

„UGHHHH,I can't find my heels,Emma,did you take them?"
I've never got respond,"fine,let's make my hair"
I've brushed my straight,long, brown hair and put some extra glitter on the top of my head. „This should work,here goes nothing"
I've put some red lipstick,eyeshadows,some brow gel and mascara
„You look okay" I've said and as I was walking down the stairs in my velvet dress,my parents decided that the want to take picture with me.
-„Really,right now? I'm totally in rush!" I glanced at the watch.
-„Swettie,it's just a one pic,don't get that nervous!"
-„Ok,fine.But just one please!"
-„Even of she's getting older,she'll never get a pinch of patience" my mom laughed"
-„Okay,I need to go,I'll be home late so better leave the keys in the garden,don't worry,Bri would probably take me home,love you,bye!"
-„Fine darling,have a great night!"

„Ohhh,how I wish it would be" I've said to myself.

The club was the most crowded place on the Earth. There were couples everywhere which were making out at the front of everyones faces. „Sure,It so romantic,okay,let's find out where my bestie is".I was looking around with desorientation and couldn't stop myself with sighnig.To be honest I was frustrated but as I've said to myself earlier,it could not bring my best mood to the ground. Finally I've seen him. He was stadnin' with some guys. At first sight they were not so special. After a few minutes Brian spotted me and waved at me to come say hi to the guys.
-„Folks,this is my bestie Eliza,behave yourself!"
-„Ohhh,nice to finally meet you darling!" The guy gave a look at Bri. „Brian was talking about you all the time,but he did not mention that you are such a sweet,pretty girl,I am Freddie Mercury and this is John Deacon,we've got one more member but I don't know where he is."
-„He is probably talking with some friends,he"ll come later" said,I asume John.
-„Hey guys,it is a pleasure to meet you,Brian was very exited that we'll finally meet and he was right,I am not even shocked that he was!"
-„That is so nice of you to say all that things about us,so just I've heard it is your birthday today!" Freddie glanced at me with cheeky smile.
-„Yes,that is true" I looked at him with smile in my eyes.
-„So there is nothing to say,let's just get this party started!" He shouted!

After he would said that words everybody stared their party mood.We were drinking,laughing,dancing,just making everything that we wanted to.

-„You were right,this is the best night of my life and your band mates are the best guys ever!"
-„You see,and it is going to be better!"
-„I don't think it can be possible,I don't need nothing else!"
-„Just wait and see" Brian gave me a weird look"

One second later the lights were off and the only thing that was giving some kind of light inside the club was the candles on my birthday cake.
-„You see,it can be better and better!"
-„Brian,I am so shocked,why would you do that to me?"
-„Because you're my bff,it is nothing"
-„Stop,it is everything,thank you so so so much!"
-„Just enjoy your time,happy birthday" Brian winked at me.

And as everyone wad singing Happy Birthday song,something unexpected happened.Someone of the drunk guys fell down onto my birthday cake and completly ruined it.
-„Roger,you're such a fucking dick! What have you done? You've completly ruined it!" Brian shouted at poor,drunk guy named Roger.
-„Bri,chill out" he answered.
-„No,for one it wasn't everything about you!" Brian was almost crying.
-„I'm sorry mate,at least we can make a food fight!" Rog mumbeled.
-„Bri,it is okay,don't be so sad,he is just random,drunk guy.Things like that happenes a lot,espescially in a clubs.
-„No Eliza,he is not a random guy.He's name is Roger Taylor,the fourth member of our band. He plays drums and is a totall wanker!"
-„Woah,slow down Bri,I am not wanker" Rogger replied.
-„No? But what have you done right now?"
-„I'm sorry,it should have not happened okay? I will bake her birthday cake by myself."
-„Ha! If she would want to!" Brian smirked.
-„Bri,that's fine,I don't want you to argue about me,hi I'm Eliza Pharell.Nice to meet you Rog" I've reached my hand to him to help him stand.
-„Hi,I am Roger Taylor,thank you for not killing me because of that cake" He mumbeled those words while getting up on his legs
-„No problem,you should feel sorry because of Brian,he wanted me to have this cake and well,what has happened,happened"
-„I'll figure something out" He winked at me and that was the most electryfying thing in my life.He had the most beautiful blue eyes in the world. And that was the time I knew,I was totally fucked up. „I am getting my ass in a such trouble."

Hello guys,I am a new writer on Wattpad
I am not an english native speaker,I am polish girl so hope you don't mind my language defects! I wish you will like the story,enjoy your reading!

Eliza xxx

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