Hardly remember.

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Shocked by his blue eyes I've forgot that I am still on my birthday party.
-„Earth to Eliza!" Brian said and waved at me.
-„Yes? I,I am sorry,I've suspended for a moment,I'm back hahah!"
-„Ohh okay,which was caused with what excactly?"Bri gave me one of his suspicous looks.
-„She has probably fallen in love with me,at first sight" Roger loughed hard at his,not so funny joke.
-„You wish" I said. „I heardly know you,besides you are not my type" I've smirked at him
-„Ouch! That was unpleasing! Why aren't you as nice as you were about 5 min ago?"
-„I've sobered"
And all of his friends with me  have started laughing
-„You see Rog,you're not in every girls' type,aren't you shocked?
-„Believe me,I am,but what I am about to do with that case?" Rog said.
-„Maybe you should not put yourself as high as you think you are,that will revolve your problems mate!" I've said
-„Yeah dude,we love you blondie, but didn't  you forgot that you have a girlfriend waiting for you in our home?" John shouted.
-„Oh,that's nice.You've girlfriend but still trying to catch my eye." I've looked at him without any emotions.
-„Yeah,I have but I think it's none of your buissnes."This time he was not joking at all,I think he would become angry at this point.
-„Okay guys,let's move our little party to our home,some of people are waiting there." Brian was trying to chill the non comfort zone between me and Roger.
-„Oh yes darlings,let's go and have the most perfect afterparty in the history!"Freddie shouted.
-„Seems like someones want to make everybody smile." I've smirked at Brian.
-„Yeah,Fred is the one of the best party makers,do not forget that!
-„I would never forget that Bri,I would never."I've said that while watching Rogers' struggle with his walking down the stairs." What is she like? His girlfriend." I didn't know why but I've really liked this blondie guy,even tho I knew he was a rebel hearted guy. „Let's just see what happens next."

I would never thought that these guys,whose were just at the beginning of their carierre,would have a two leveled house with sauna.I've only known that they were living all together.
-„I was not going to ask you this question but how did you get this marvelous home!"I've asked Brian.
-„You see,it starts with the talent,ambition,goals" Brian had stared to count all the things.
-„Hahaha,okey Bri,that's enough of your shit talk,what is this about?" I've looked at him couriosly.
-„The truth is that Johns' parents left this home to him when he has decided to study electrial engineering."
-„Ohh,that's nice,I wish I had contact like this with my own parents" I sighed.
-„You are not arguing with them because of THAT thing,are you?" Brian looked at me sadly.
-„No,of course I am not arguing with them,in fact we are not arguing at all."
-„So what is the problem? You need to chill down a little,otherwise you'll lose your mind"
-„You're totally right,okay,let's see what is happening inside of the house" I've glanced at him and we went  through the front door.

„FREDDIE,LEAVE IT NOW!" John shouted at Fred,who was standing on big,wooden table in a dinning room,wearing a Fox fur coat.
-„What do ya want from me? I am fashionista darling,can't you see,I am mister Mercury?"
-„Yes,you are all of that stuff but for fuck sake,take it off of your shoulders! It is my moms' and if she'll find out that is has been worn by somebody else than her,we'd be probably spending all of our time on looking for a flat to live in!"
-„Ohh okay John,you are being such a dramatic queen darling."
-„I don't give a damn about who I am right now,get your fat  ass off the table!"
-„Ouch,only not fat ass,you tote!"
-„ I am done with you Fred,I need to grab a drink" and John went to the kitchen where all of alcohols were standing.

-„ I can tell that you have such a cute relationship with each other in this band" I've laughed at Brian
-„ Yes,as you can see,we have,sorry babe but I need to find my baby girl" and as he was saying that, he went searching for his girlfriend Delilah.

Few hours later,the  party was going to end,completly drunk John was screaming to his guests to „get the fuck out". Such a sweet thing of him. I've decided to help Harley,Johns'girlfriend to clean all the mess that has been done by the party time. I was just about to throw some empty beer cans when I've heard subtle „Hello" behind my back. Who could that be? Of course my new best friend,Roggie.
-„Hello Roger,what's up?" I've asked blue-eyed guy.
-„Hello,I wish I could say it is everything alright,but I can't"
-„And why is that?"
-„ You know,it might be known that I am a rebel boy but I am really sorry about what I've said earlier,in the Rainbow Club,that it is not of your buisness that I have a girlfriend,I am sorry,really, it was too cruel,even for me." Roger glanced at me with hope in his eyes with asking for my  forgivness. 
-„Woah mate,I am very impressed with your confession,I am not mad at you anymore,I hope we'll be on better conditions for now on" I've given him the most warm smile I could possibly do.
-„Yeah,I hope too! You're such a sweet,good girl,I need you to introduce you to my girlfriend,Gigi.You'll probably become best friends!"
I couldn't belive that he has changed his attitude so much,just because I've said to him that I am not offended anymore. „Weird,why would he care about me and what would I think about him"
-„Yeah,you need to introduce me her! Maybe we'll catch someday!"
-„We'll deffinietly would,okay,I need to go to my baby girl,catch ya later?" Roger asked nicely.
-„Of course,have a nice time,bye" I winked at him.
-„Bye,nice to be here and hang out with you!"
And as he was walking to find his love,I was kind of sad that he has needed to go.
„What is wrong with you,he is such an egoistic boy and he is totally in love with himself,plus,he has a girlfriend. Focus on yourself. Tommorow's gonna be a very important day."
The first day of my new job at recording studio.
After spreading some help hand,I've decided to go home.
-„Bye guys,it was such a pleasure to meet you all,goodnight!"
-„Bye sweetie,we'll catch later!"

And as I was walking down the streets there was one thought that couldn't leave my head. „When will I see that blondie guy again?"
I didn't know that the answer will come sooner than I had expected.

Hello mates,I don't want to describe all my life here. I am just about to say that there is going to be a lot of fun in the next chapter and something unpredictable will happen! I trully hope that You've liked this chapter,bye!

Eliza xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2018 ⏰

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