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Sorry I usually don't do Authors Notes at the beginning of a chapter but I would like to add that the video I have linked at the start of this chapter is a good song that actually inspired this scene and I recommend listening to it before, after or while you read this chapter. Thank you, now back to the story.

Night had fallen upon us, and the streets of Havana became even more vibrant as tourists and locals wondered around the busy streets eating food and club hopping. For Eggsy and I it was no exception. We stood out the front of the Black Diamond club with our arms linked, this was the true showtime. If we had to play a couple this would be the time to do it.

Pushing open the doors to the club it was alive, the sound of Latin music played throughout the whole building. Eggsy adorned a simple black suit accompanied with a vibrant blue tie while I was in a crimson red dress that could almost be compared to Jessica Rabbits. The split up the side of the dress was exactly my favourite detail as it was quiet revealing on the keg, I felt as if I was to moved the wrong way everything would be out on show for everyone to see, including Eggsy and that was not on my bucket list.

Eggsy and I took a seat at the bar and scanned the bartenders for our lady named Nina, but she was no where to be seen. I held my clutch in my lap while I tried to catch the attention of the bartender. "Excuse me sir, can I get two drinks?" I called out over the loud music, but to no avail. The only attention I grabbed was from Eggsy who whispered in my ear to stopped drawing so much attention too us. "You wanna blend in? Then get us drinks." I snarled back at him in frustration.

Eggsy stared at me with just as much frustration as my words held, but sighing he gave up and waved for the attention of the bartender. A buff man who was cleaning a glass turned to face us, he could tell we were foreign from our complexions. "What can I get for you?" His accent was thick but he spoke English well.

"Whisky for me, martini for Athena. Thank you." Eggsy spoke, wrapping his arm around my waist as if to prove to the server that we were an item. Unwin did well at pretending he liked me, to an outsider it would almost appear as if he never left my side when in reality being with me in the same room for too long was absolute torture.

The bartender nodded and went to make our drinks, I wasn't a huge fan of drinking on the job especially considering what we endured during our training. Watching a bartender make your drink was always important, spy or not. You never know when you could be taken advantage of. "I have a bad feeling about this place, babe." I whispered in Eggsy's ear as my hand cupped one of his cheeks.

His eyes beamed down into mine, with a glint of  frustration lingering in his iris'. But was the frustration fuelled from the fact  that he had to be this close to me or that he felt the mood of the room as well. "It'll be okay, once we finish our drinks we'll go for a dance. That should take your mind off of things." He said, but what he really meant was that instead of dancing we would go snoop out the crowd.


Finishing my drink I set the empty glass on the bench and left a couple of peso's behind for his services. Turning on my stool, I was met by an outstretched hand. Taking Eggsy's hand I got down from the stool and let him lead me out to the dance floor.

There he continued to hold my hand, whilst his other hand found its way to my waist. His eyes were locked on to mine as if his life depended on it. I let my thumb slide down to his wrist were I felt his pulse, he was afraid. He's seen something.

"What is it Scott?" I gently whispered as I rested my head on his shoulder. Through the base of the music I could hear his heart beating at a rapid pace.

"I think we should go upstairs briefly for some fresh air"

They were the only words that left Unwins mouth before his grip around my waist became non existent but the grip he hand on my hand was just as strong. We trailed up the grand stair case and just past the opening to the balcony.

It was the girl from earlier today.

What the hell was she doing talking to some pudgy middle aged man, was her boss or even the man that owned the Black Diamond.

"Dime Nina, ¿qué viste?" The pudgy man spoke to the young woman.
(Translation: Tell me Nina, what did you see?)

"Vi a dos turistas, ambos de piel clara. Estaban preguntando por la entrada y podían hablar español con fluidez, creo que alguien está con nosotros, padre."
(Translation: I saw two tourists, both fair skin. They were inquiring about entry and could speak fluent Spanish, I think someone is onto us father.)
The man gave his daughter a dismissive nod and she left him alone on the balcony in the warm breeze. Eggsy and I hugged the wall as she walked in the opposite direction.

Nina was this mans daughter? Fuck what Merlin said. I pulled my hand out from
Eggsy and stepped out onto the balcony. I heard a very irritated groan from the boy as a disobeyed the one order we had.

"Sorry to intrude but I seem to have lost my way, I can't speak Spanish very well so I couldn't find the bathroom, are you able to help me?" I asked the pudgy man.

"Of course! Anything for a party goer. Tell me what is your name dear?" The man asked, his smile was warm but something about him felt sinister.

"My name is—"

"ATHENA! My god there you are. Sorry for the inconvenience to you sir, this woman is a handful." Eggsy intruded grabbing my hand and yanking me closer to him. I was totally fucked when Merlin heard about this.

"No no no, it's no worry at all. Why don't the both of you come to my charity ball tomorrow night? That is if you'll still be in Cuba." The man said, as he slipped Eggsy a business card. "The names Mateo Rivera"

"Scott Simmons, and this is my girlfriend Athena Roosevelt. It'd be our pleasure to join you. What are you raising money for?" Eggsy asked as he slid the business card into his pant pocket.

"Clean water for children, the city here is great but unfortunately in the outskirts they struggle for everyday things we take for granted. Any donations are welcomed." Mateo smiled.

"We'll be there" I spoke up, not giving Eggsy the chance to make the decision.

Hi guys sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been on holiday mode. I'm also sorry that this chapter isn't really great, I jut want to put something out there so I don't fall behind. Hope you enjoyed.

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