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"Do you know how much danger you just put us in?!" Eggsy yelled as he loosened the tie around is neck. He wasn't exactly pleased about my stunt back at the club, but we really didn't have much of a choice. The boy should be thanking me, if anything. Had I not acted like Bambi we wouldn't have a lead, we'd still be stuck on the outside.

"Danger?" I scoffed rolling my eyes at the man as I took my heels off. After our little invitation we had retreated back to our hotel room, Eggsy didn't want to hang around there for much longer. "I think you mean your welcome. We'd still have no information and zero leads had I not done what I did— and had you not interrupted me I probably could have gotten more." I retorted, my eyebrows were furrowed on the man.

It's not Eggsy I was afraid of— he was going to rat me out to Merlin and Harry, they'd shoot me. What I did was risky and the complete opposite of what we were sent here to do but I could have just propelled the case forward by atleast a year.

"You wait until the agency hears about this, you'll be on a flight home by tomorrow morning and stripped of your title." Eggsy informed in a smart-ass tone before he took his blazer off.
"You have just single handily jeopardised this whole mission, so congratulations to you Lancelot."

Eggsy had left the bedroom and made his way to the shower, no doubtingly just to get away from me. This was my chance to contact Merlin myself, maybe if it came from me it wouldn't be so incriminating.

In Eggsy's absence I took the opportunity to get changed into something that didn't stand out as much. Sliding on a pair of sandals I grabbed my phone and door key from the bedside table. It was late in England, it would be a miracle for either Harry or Merlin to pick up but I could always leave a message.

Making my way down the stairs I found a small park area just outside of the hotel, it wasn't much but it had fresh air, a seat and no Unwin; those things were good enough for me.
I held my thumb over the home button of the phone, and soon it's blue light illuminated my face. It would be the only light that the park would witness tonight. I hesitated to call Merlin, we didn't really have much of a relationship other then being co-workers.

After moments of hesitation I knew who I had to call— Harry. He trained Eggsy, he was use to spontaneous mistakes and might not tell anyone or soften the blow.
The cell sounded for 10 rings before a small beep indicated that I had been sent to voicemail.

"Hi Harry, It's Athena— I'm just calling to let you know that I went against our protocols, I have no doubt that you'll be hearing from Galahad in the morning but I figured that I should be the first to tell you..." a small sigh left my mouth before I let the next words fall from my lips. "We didn't get hurt and have gotten on the inside... so there's a plus, call me back?"

Taking the phone down from ear I pressed the red end call button and fiddled with the phone in my hand. Eggsy was over exaggerating, I couldn't lose my job over this— taken off the field for a few months? Sure, but I wouldn't be stripped of my title.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I felt a dull pain in the back of my head, what the hell had just happened. I turned my neck to look behind me, my vision now blurred. It was that woman from before, Nina. Before I had time to speak I felt my body relax and soon things turned to black.

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