Chapter 8

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Ouch. It feels like something just landed on my chest, and hard. I start to open my eyes hoping its not a tribute. It's a large steel ball like thing with a parachute attached to it. Inside is a note. "Dear Thresh, you forgot a tribute token. Don't worry about Rue, she is a smart kid. Luv u. -Seeder." so it's not free food, shoot. Then I noticed that Seeder singned "luv u". This is not from Seeder, a sixty year old would never write "luv u" they would write "love you sweetheart". Atleast that's what she would write, and Capitol people write weird like that to (I saw Sissy's text messages). That's who it's from, Sissy. Wow, I think I took like an hour to figure that out.

My stomache let's out a large growl, I'm starving. I didn't have food yesterday in my fear of the games or supper before the interviews. I'm used to a piece of bread and a half a bowl of soup a week, but after being feed three ginormous meals a day for a week you start to get used to it. I grab the machete I got and put my back pack in a hole. I make a tiny flag out of the parachute and a stick and shove it next to the hole. Now that I know where my bag is I walk over to the edge of the forest. After about a hour of adventuring I have a rabbit and a fat ugly squirrel. I stumble over a ten foot tall bush, ful of berries. I drop my stuff and take a few in my hand. I rub the side of my middle finger on the inside of my thumb on my right hand. Everyone at home calls it my magic fingers. I can pick the redest apples, the fullest grapes and find strawberries that are the size of an adult's palm with this motion. The berries seem fine, but I've never seen them before. I'll take a chance so I plop a few in my mouth. When I bite them instantly a sweetish taste takes over my mouth. I fill my pockets with these berries and guess I should give them a name. I'll just call them berries, I'm not in the mood to think of a name.

I'm probably ten feet away from my pack when I hear a rustling noise. I freeze, not making a sound. I get my hands ready I case it's a career. I take a step closer, stepping on a twig and snapping it. A thin dark haired boy pops up with beef jerky hanging out of mouth. I chuckle, then slap my hand over my mouth. He stumbles over to me and sticks out a piece of the meat, offering it to me. He has no visible weapons so I decide he's safe. "Hi, I'm Thresh. Who are you?" way to happy of question for the arena but whatever. "A-a-a-Andy." he stutters while pointing at himself. "District 10. Meat." he obviously has a bit of a speech problem, still I'll sit with him. "I'm from district 11. We do agriculture." I think we're telling each other about what we do in our districts. He jumps up, eyes wide open. "W-WHERE M-MAY!!!???" he shouts. I remember that Andy and a girl were always together in the training center. Or how at the interviews she helped him up to the stage instead of sitting down. I look down at his foot and see why she was doing that, his foot is crippled. It lays at a awkward angle. How could the Capitol send a handicapped teen to his death. They've gone from hearts with holes to things without hearts, brains or a care in the world.

We sit down and eat a bit. Then I catch a glimpse of silver. I crawl over and find the unopened parachute from this morning. In the heavy container there lays a small blue box. I open it and am blinded by light reflecting off the sun. Once I can see I pick out a gold ring, the same gold ring that my father gave me, the same ring I gave Fern. I hear an ooooh from behind my shoulder and remember Andy is with me. "let's go find something to eat." I say noticing the rumbling from Andy's stomach.

Woah, potatoes. I use my dirt covered fingers to dig up three patatoes. "hey Andy check this out." I say so he could here me from the few feet away where he was picking berries. "Andy you ok over there?" the booming cannon makes me fall over. Over by the bush. Something I didn't want to see. I run, forgetting potatoes and all. Where to go, no where. I f I go back I'm done. I make a sharp turn left. I make it back to my shelter by taking a new path. I slide onto my stomach and freeze. Waiting. Ten minutes, twenty minutes, thirty minutes. I stare, into the forest. Until I take a nap.

Potatoes. Berries. Blonde wavy hair. Knife. Andy. Death. Glimmer.

These seven things replay over and over again in my dream. I trace my finger around my ring as my eyes slowly close.

thresh's pov of the hunger gamesWhere stories live. Discover now