Chapter 1

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Reinhard Heydrich.

Waging a civil war isn't easy. You have kill fellow Aryans and Germans which was once part of the once Mighty German Reich.  However, Heydrich reminded himself daily that it had to be done. The internal enemies of the reich has destroyed Germany and Heydrich found himself leading the onslaught against the Reich's Enemies and rebuild Germany in His image. German wine, German women, what made the Reich beautiful and glorious was no more,swept away for chaos, anarchy and war. He swore to restore Germany to it's former glory, no matter how brutal his tactics might be.

Ulrike Meinhof.

The leader of the German Socialist Republic against the Evil forces of Nazism. Its leadership consists of student leaders who were against the Reich despite the brainwashing done by Nazi Education. Meinhof has proven herself to be a brutal yet efficient leader, as evidenced by her orders of the killing of man, woman and even children associated with the NSDAP. She was admired by her comrades and supporters, respect only increased for her when she gave motivational speeches for the anti nazi militias. However, this meant that no one dared romantically approached her, only the most insane and deranged men will. Secretly, Meinhof wished for a romantic partner although it would taint her image as a tough revolutionary. So, she remained in a silent state of loneliness behind the cover of the leader of the Revolution.

14 February, 1964

The streets of German cities were filled with broken buildings, roads, corpses and blood. It was clear that
enemy forces were killing each other to gain control of the city. Of course, that's assuming the whole city didn't get destroyed in the process.

Heydrich's forces kill and massacre everyone suspected to be loyal to the GSR,while Meinhof's soilders shoot anyone with nazi possessions. Both sides fought countless battles against each other losing valuable men and equipment in the process, Heydrich realised that he would need to think smart in order to outsmart the ruthless leader Meinhof, who seemed to think with her trigger finger according to military decisions by the GSR.

Heydrich's assistant gave him the daily report in his office to start the day.

"Mein rightful Furher, the SS agents are ready to launch the operation on your orders."

"Very good. Now its time to bring down the head and the body will soon fall."

Those dammed student communists will be taught a proper lesson, or else they'll never learn. Of course, he will use their leader and inflict suffering on the GSR leaders and provide a good example to their followers, as a good leader should do.

Ironically, while thinking about various torture methods that could be done to the GSR leaders, Heydrich stroked his cat's soft fur gently, admiring the smooth texture of fur.

This cat is more useful than most humans in the GSR, sadly. Animals are gentle, innocent and loyal, unlike regular humans.

Heydrich has grown a fondness of domestic pets, as it was his replacement for love ever since his family was killed by opposing intelligence agents.

Meanwhile 500 kilometres away in contrast of Heydrich admiring nature, Meinhof was busy executing captured soilders by her own hand. The hostages looked down in fear of their lives, at the mercy of ruthless young people who hated the regime with all their might.

"My fellow comrades of the revolution, keep in mind that this is what happens to Nazis!"


Gunshots filled the open space, from Meinhof's Pistol the clip was emptied into the heads of 8 enemy soilders. The sounds of the corpses hitting the floor was the most satisfying sound she had heard recently, other than the beheading of enemy officers whom she witnessed earlier.

Sigh.. Another good day. This is pleasure for me, especially the sounds when those nazis die. Satisfying.

However, her personal life wasnt satisfying at all. Her comrades wouldn't dare to talk to her about trivial stuff out of fear and respect of the leader. This made her feel a bit.. Lonely.

She remembered the time where her friends gathered at a meeting to discuss Marxism. Political debates and discussions drifted to critism and mockery of the nazi regime, till Meinhof joked and laughed with her classmates at university. She still misses the fun she had during political gatherings.

Except it wasn't just a political gathering anymore. It was war. War to determine the ruler of Germany. And you have to get serious to lead a war against enemies or face destruction. It wasn't easy either without outside help. Her enemies had support of the Reichkommisariats and the rest of the Stahlpakt, while the GSR stood alone. American aid was determined to be impossible, as those capitalist pigs in Washington will just exploit the shit out of them.

The GSR's closest enemy is Heydrich, who must be dealt with as soon as possible if they were to advance.  A pre-emptive strike has been planned and will be commenced as soon as possible.

Unfortunately for Meinhof, her enemies also thought the same thing as the red guards were silently gunned down by SS agents a few hundred meters away.

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