Chapter 2

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In Heydrich's quarters, the future Furher lied down on his king-sized bed. Before he ends the day, memories of today filled his thoughts.

The day ended as usual, more killings, torture and firing of gunpowder,
Heydrich reflected.

I might just get used to this, since most of my loved ones are dead..

I don't even care if i die right now, my whole family is dead because of me.    I live only to bring the Reich back to its former glory, after that ill just disappear from political life. If i survive this hell.

Little did he know, his 'wish' was going to be granted by the Bolshevik angels of death.

100 meters away from his quarters, GSR spies have infiltrated the compound and are planting bombs in Heydrich's residency to eliminate their current enemy.

"Plant the bomb quickly or they'll notice!"

"Don't rush me! One mistake and we're done for; andddd done!"

The cover of darkness has been blown away by patrolling guards holding fire torches. "STOP RIGHT THERE, YOU BOLSHEVIKS!"

A few hours later

"Mein rightful Fuhrer, we have captured two bolshevik spies and are  in the process of intergoration as we speak. Hopefully they will be able to break and give us intel." Heydrich's assistant reported as he was having breakfast with military rations.

One step closer to victory. And one more chapter of my life closer to the finale. I might as well enjoy it, shall i?

"You tell the intergorators that i will soon join them in..interviewing our prisoners."

"Will do, Mein Fuhrer. "


"Well well well well, what do we have here? It appears that you have not listened to your parents to behave properly. What a shame to your parents AND YOUR RACE!!!"

Heydrich let out a loud sigh.

"Why are today's kids soooo rebellious? Sheltered under the luxuries the Reich provides, having no idea of sacrifice. Do you have any idea how the German people build this great nation by their own hands, only for it to be ripped apart by people like you?! You are no better than the Jews, I'll tell you. "

"Well, if you act like subhumans, you deserve to be treated like subhumans.
And do you know what do we do to subhumans?"

Heydrich could already see the fear in the prisoner's eyes as they awaited the torture that will be inflicted towards them. I don't care about the intel. I just want to enjoy myself. In my own way.

"Now, will you give up your doomed revolution, or your own life?"

Heydrich's assistant walked out of the room, leaving the hellish sounds of the prisoners behind him.

"Oh my, it seems that you are no different than other people. To stay alive, you are willing to betray your comrades and ideals. what a pathetic excuse for a human. Now shall we continue our fun?"

"B-but we gave you information! Please let us go!" a prisoner pleaded while shivering.

"You are betraying your so called comrades by giving me intel, your life is as good as dead if you return to them. Me? I am going to continue living my life as i found pleasure in torturing people. I care not about promises, nor thinking for other people's sakes. Human values are a huge lie anyways."

The torture continued for a few hours.

Heydrich sat down and his chair, relaxing after having fun.

That felt good.. I hadn't had this mucj fun in a while. Shooting people is not enough, you have to see their horrified faces and them pleading for mercy throwing away all their dignity just to stay alive. That should be called real satisfaction in killing.

After a short break, Heydrich walked to the command centre to discuss a plan of assault with the Generals using intel provided by the prisoners.

"....and with this plan, the bolsheviks will be finished once we storm through their headquarters. It will be initiated in 5 days. So get your troops ready."

Heydrich couldn't help but smile. Now its time for some real fun.

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