The Bands We Have So Far!

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* = A band with names I made up for them
Instruments may be inaccurate.

12/7/18: Added made up studio names.

-Squid Sisters-

Callie (kal-lee) - Singer, dancer - Inkling Girl
Marie (ma-ree) - Singer, dancer - Inkling Girl


Studio: Inkopolis Plaza Studios

Studio owner: Squidbeak Splatoon

-Off the Hook-

Pearl (purl) - Rapper - Inkling Girl
Marina (mah-ree-nah) - DJ & Singer - Octoling Girl

Studio: Inkopolis Square Studios

Studio owner: obviously

-Squid Squad-

Ichiya (ich-ee-ya) - Vocalist - Inkling Boy
Namida (nah-me-dah) - Synth/keyboardist - Inkling Girl 
Ikkan (ick-can) - Bassist, secretly death metal vocalist - Inkling Boy  
Murasaki (moo-rah-sak-ee) - Drummer - Sea Urchin

Studio: Shark Studios

Studio owner: Pushy sharks for a group of punks

*-Hightide Era- 

Gill (gill) - Drummer - Fish 
Phill (phil) - Vocalist - Fish Boy
Filly (fuh-lay) - Pianist - Fish Boy

Studio: Aquatic Bay Studios

Studio owner: Fishes to celebrate and share the triple's talents

*-ABXY/Chirpy Chips-

Natalie (nah-ta-lee) - Vocalist - Sea anemone 
Lobin (lo-bin) - Drummer - Lobster 
Nyerrin (nyih-urr-in) - Bassist - This one's up to us! (I see... boy)
Floyd (fl-oid) - Keyboardist - Plankton Boy 

Studio: Crab Studios

Studio owner: Clicky crabs for these 8-bit songs

crab rave: Natalie is | a cutie

-Wet Floor-

Kagi (ka-gee) - group founder, Synth - Inkling Girl (blue skin)
Mizole (mi-zoll) - Vocalist - Inkling Girl
Ryan (rye-an) - Vocalist - Inkling Boy
Kazami (kah-za-mee) - Drummer
Tsumabushi (tis-su-mah-bush-ee) - Bassist

Studio: Ocean Ray Studios

Studio owner: Obedient Sting Rays for this proud band

*-Bottom Feeders-

Betta (bet-ta) - Fiddle - Betta fish 
Mozuku (moe-zoo-coo)- Vocalist - Mozuku seaweed
Reckid - Rhythm - Shark
Jesse - Rhythm - Yesso scallop
Puff rick - Drummer

Studio: Shelltic Studios

Studio owner: They set it up themselves

*-Ink Theory- 

Ava - Kazoo - Inkling Girl
Naddi - Pianist - Nautilus
Makia - Drummer - Sea Urchin
Shelia - Exotic Drummer - Sea Pig
Kriasia - Guitarist - Exquisite Urchin 
Felicia - Trumpet - Cuttlefish 

Studio: Aquatic Fish Studios

Studio owner: Fishes but sadly Hightide Era is on adventures so they don''t get to see their idols :<

*-Omega (w-3)-

Salmi (sal-mi) - DJ

Studios: none u smeLLy, he's just in the background jamming to his beats while y'all go hunting eggs and getting splatted by his bodyguards


Kitto (kit-tow) - DJ - 10 yr old Octoling Boy
Scallistra (skal-lis-tra) - Violin - Scaly-foot gastropod 
Koi (k-oi) - Drummer - Cutlass fish
Lavish (lay-dish) - Synth - Carp

Studio: Clashclam Studios

Studio owner: Chatty clams


Warabi (Wah-ra-bee) - EDM DJ - This one's up to us! (Octoling Boy for me. I heard him as a Octoling Girl at first though)
Ikon (ick-can) - Bassist, no longer secretly but still unknown death metal vocalist - Inkling Boy

Studio: Shrimpwrecked Studios

Studio owner: Lawful shrimps that want both of them to work together and know about the previous Splatoon bands before Wet Floor

Splatoon (1 and 2): BandsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora