SS: Ink or Sink

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A/N: This is an old script mostly centered around Ichiya having depression and Ikkan helped make the song a bit better than repetitive lyrics!

Created: 10/8/18
Published: 10/11/20

Squid Squad: Ink or Sink

Alternate titles:
Squid Squad ink or sink but ikkan takes over part of the song
Squid Squad but ichiya is being a cute boi
Squid Squad but ichiya's attempts aren't working
Squid Squad but ikkan is being jelly fishin' disspacito
Squid Squad but ichiya got depression

Ichiya: *oof he looks upset* Hmm...

Namida: Any plans for lyrics?

Ichiya: Not yet.

Namida: Can I see it?

Ichiya: Yeah. Go ahead. *turns around to be sad oofity oof*

Namida: Wow, that's a lot of words...

Ichiya: Repetitive. I feel kinda down after all that. Something needs to be added, and not just knowing who's gonna ink or sink... or, metaphorically, it's win or lose. Guitar's fine, but the lyrics seem to be lacking...

Murasaki: *drum solo!*

Ichiya: At least Murasaki's getting it.   You keep drummin', man.

Murasaki: YEAH!!,

Namida: So, who's singing the part of the parentheses?

Ichiya: I'm singing both, Namida. The curiosity of wanting to know who's gonna win. Either they ink or sink, who's gonna win? Though, I'm still wondering what's wrong with it... I don't feel satisfied yet.

Namida: *aw dont cry for him* That's too much, Ichiya... let Murasaki do it.

Murasaki: M-Me?!

Namida: Yeah! You two got the same voice, only it's more... gerble!

Murasaki: Uhhhhh....!!!

Ichiya: You can do it. Here, these are yours. I sing one line, and you response. It's like... squid kids just talking which is the best choice, either cake or ice cream. *gives*

Murasaki: *receives lyrics, aAAAAAA* Thank you, Ichiya!

Ichiya: Heheh... *sigh* But I don't think it's gonna set their mood just yet... what's missing?

Ikkan: *s t a r e, has bass*

Ichiya: *is seen sighing and humming Battle Defeat...* dudududadadayyy dada doooo...

Ikkan: *i feel bad* ... *walks inside, gets paper, and starts w r it  i n g *

Ichiya: *trails off humming* Hey, uh, I'd like to practice though. You think you got the notes?

Namida: Yep!

Murasaki: I think I got this!

Ichiya: Okay!

Namida: Wait! But Ikkan!

Ichiya: Oh! Ikkan...??? (Man, why am I feeling like this?!)

Namida: Ugh, now what with him?

Ichiya: I can't believe I nearly forgot him! Ikkan, c'mon!

Murasaki: Busy...?!

Ichiya: I don't know! Ink or Sink, Ikkan?!

Namida: Ichiya, are you okay?

Ichiya: I guess?! Ikkan, open up!!!

Murasaki: AHHHHHH!!!!

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