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March Ninth, Two thousand and fourteen.

It was 21.09; I had been sitting, on the floor with my legs crossed with my journal and my favourite ink pen placed neatly in front of me, for the past hour and nine minutes - to be exact.

I wanted to write, about Emma, the last words she said to me were still playing around in my head, I just didn't know how, there was so much to write about. The way she smiled, the way she bit her nails yet still painted them a black colour that was always chipped, the way she wore oversized jumpers and looked so warm, the way she said my name; I sighed and opened my journal for the hundredth time before shutting it once again. "Write about me." I could hear her saying it, with her soft voice and how she looked at me when she said it, she looked hopeful, happy, cute, beautiful, breathtaking. I took a deep breathe before opening my journal for the hundred and first time. I took the lid off my pen and laid it down gently next to the book.

Emma. I wrote down slowly, scared.

There are many things I have given up with in life - me being happy one of them.

But Emma.

I stared at my page for ages before shutting the book and closing my pen, then got up to sit down on my bed.

"Luke?" I heard a knock at my door before my sister opened the door, wearing her pyjamas. She came inside the room and quietly closed the door then sat down on my bed next to me. "I'm moving in with Micheal." She said excitedly making me roll my eyes. "Hey! I never rolled my eyes when you told me you were moving in with Ashton." "That's different. You like Ashton, I do not like Michael." "Why? What has he done to you?" Good question. What had he done to me? "Nothing." I said making her frown in confusion. "I just don't think he's good enough for you." "Luke, you don't have to look out for me, trust me, if he doesn't treat me right then I'll leave, it's as easy as that." "Whatever. When are you moving out?" I asked. "Whenever you are."

"I'll be gone soon." I said gesturing for her to look around my room, most of my stuff was in boxes already. "Okay. I'll drive you to Ashton's tomorrow, take some boxes there, plus I'll get to check out where you're going to live." She said, she acted as if she was my mother most of the time, considering she didn't acknowledge our parents, for her it was just me and her. "Okay. Thanks Zoe." "Goodnight Luke. Love you!" She said messing my hair up. "Stop touching my hair you dick!" I said making her laugh. "Love you too." I said as she walked out of the room.


March Tenth, Two thousand and fourteen.

It was 19.05, I was sat once again on my floor, legs crossed; my journal; unopened, and pen in front of me. My door was shut but I could hear my parents and Zoe fighting - again. I wanted to go downstairs, but I didn't want to get involved, which was really selfish of me but last time I got involved my dad ended up throwing a glass bottle at me which I missed by an inch but still got cut slightly under my eye, which made my sister even more angry and she left the house and didn't come back till four am in tears and a very red nose. I sighed getting up, grabbing my car keys and leaving my room to make my way downstairs.

They were in the kitchen, my dad had a wine bottle in his hand which meant he would throw it anytime. I grabbed Zoe by her arm and pulled her out of the kitchen and out of the house. "Luke! Get off of me!" She said angrily trying to pull her arm out of my grip. I opened the door door and pushed her into the front seat before shutting the door and sitting in the driver's seat.

I started the car as she sighed. "God, I seriously fucking hate him." She started. I didn't reply, I knew she just needed to be listened too and not interrupted. "I don't get what his problem is. He just needs to fucking piss the fuck out of my fucking life." "Zoe." I said quietly. "What?" "Get out of the car." I said making her realise that we were parked in front of some dessert shop we discovered five years ago. Whenever she is angry, this is the one place which will help her loosen up. She smiled gratefully at me before we both got out the car.


"Where are you?" I muttered to myself looking around to find Emma. "Excuse me, are you going to order something?" A girl in front of me waved her hand causing my attention to focus on her. "Huh?" I said confused before realising that I was in some antique coffee shop. The girl was short-ish, she had lilac hair which was pulled up into a messy bun on top of her head. She had a lot of black eyeliner which surprisingly wasn't haunting. "Um.. Where am I?" I asked before looking at her name badge which read 'Hi, I'm Perrie!' With a little drawn on heart next to her name. She frowned at me. "Are you drunk?" She asked. "What?" I asked confused. "Are - you - drunk?" She said slowly as if I didn't hear her the first time. I shook my head, frowning. "Are you going to order something or are you just going to stare at whatever the fuck you're looking at?"

"Perrie! Don't swear!" Someone said as they walked past me. I turned around to see a short girl with her her also pulled into a bun on top of her head. I couldn't see the front of her but I could tell by her voice that it was Emma. "Emma." I said quietly, relieved that I found her, making her turn to face me. "Luke? What are you doing here?" She asked. I shook my head signalising that I didn't know. "I work here." She told me. "Come, sit." She said smiling taking my hand and leading me to a small table in the back of the shop. "I was looking for you earlier, I was in this weird place, like it was.." She stopped talking and looked down at the table frowning, "I've forgotten." She said, her frown deepening. "It's okay. I'm glad we're together now." I said making her look up at me, she smiled, her smile reaching her hazel coloured eyes. "Beautiful." I whispered making her pale cheeks heat up a little.
"So beautiful." I said ever so quietly but loud enough for her to hear. Her pale pink cheeks turned a deep rose pink colour making my heart begin to beat faster. She was gorgeous -inside and out.

A/N: hi guys.. I don't know if anyone's still reading this one but I loved the idea of this story that I wanna finish it. Sorry for anyone whose been waiting.. It's been extremely busy and hectic in my life right now - hope you understand :-)

foreordination // Luke HemmingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora