Chapter 1

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    "Mickey!" I ran and jumped on him, making the both of us fall back on the floor. I'm sure our huffs and puffs filled the hallway. We helped each other up collecting ourselves. I looked around and there were tons of people just staring. " What?''. I spat out at them, they went back to their business and I went back to mine. I smiled and jumped a little bit, tugging on my backpack straps.

" So? Did you watch it last night?". I waited for his response and his silence already tells me the answer. " See I got caught up with Packers essay and ya know".

"No, I don't. You're such a pussy". I laughed at his gasp, he's so sensitive.

We walked down to our first period, Mr.Packer. He's a great teacher but he gives us soooo much homework it's insane! I took one last breath before walking in the classroom. Me and Mickey looked at each other and walked in. It happened sooner than I expected."Babbyyy!!!".

God I hate Seria's voice. It's so high and annoying, I just want to get my foot and shove it down her wind pipes. I watched Mickey walk toward her and give her a hug. I shrugged my lips and went to my seat. Taking out my big 5 subject notebook and my only sharpened pencil, I huffed and starting my notes.

    Lunch time, my favorite part of the day. Mickey, Seria, Sam and I sit together. Today I just got a slice of pizza and some chips. I'm not in a real good mood. I was the first one at the table so I started eating my food, by the time everyone else gets their food, I'll be done. I pull out my phone and open the word search. Word searches calm me. I look up and see Sam. " Hey babes, how are ya?" I smile and give my Sammy Wammy a hug. She one of the most beautiful people I know, inside and out. Her and I are very close, we tell each other everything. She knows about my father, the only one who knows about my father,not even Mickey. I see she came back, I look up and smile. "How was class?". I sighed and shook my head. I have three classes before lunch but I know what class she's talking about. "It was alright, she gave me the death stare one hundred times".

" Oh, don't worry about it she's just mad her man wants your cookie and not hers". I nearly spit out my water. We both share a really loud laugh. And of course here comes Seria. "What we laughing about ladies?". She smiles and sits down pulling out her 'low carb' salad. I roll my eyes and look the other way."Why don't you like me, Q?". Ugh, her voice is hella annoying."I never said I don't like you, i'm just not fond of you". She smiles and giggles and while she puts the dressing on her salad me and Sam mock her giggle.

Then Mickey walks towards the table. "Hey, ladies". His smile is gorgeous. Sammy and I wave. He winks at us as he sits down and ignore Seria. I hold in my giggle as she fixes her posture waiting for a greeting from Mickey. He just pulls out his lunch and began to eat. She clears her throat, shakes her salad up and slams it down." What did the salad do to you?" Sammy spits out while laughing. "Ha ha ha, so funny" rolling her eyes she gives me the death stare again, and she wonders why I don't like her. Well why i'm not fond of her.

Luckily, today is Friday. Today is me and Mickey's day to go get ice cream and hang out at his mom's shop. She owns a antique store. It's vintage like, she sells oils and blankets, old clothes and hats. Her store is a overdose for a Instagram art hoe. Mickey has a car. Yes a car. We're only in 11th grade. He's has a nice car though. It's a Mercedes Benz. I throw my bag in the back and hop in the front seat. He plays our favorite radio station, 102.7. 'Therapy' by Khalid blast through the car. " Something that you're doing has me falling all the way". We basically scream. Pulling to the stop light, people in this little green car look at us. We look at each other and burst out laughing. The laughter dies down and we just stare at each other for a couple seconds. A honk scares the living daylights out of us. He continues driving and we let out a chuckle.

    " Yeah, she just kept looking at me today". I spin around in my chair trying not to drop my ice cream."Honey, I understand. I know it has to be hard for you. But if you trust me, his mother I promise you it'll work out. It just has to happen naturally, he loves you". Slowly I stop spinning in my chair, I just lick my ice cream and let out a soft "Yeah".

Well perfect timing he comes back with a canvas paper? "Here it's for you." It looks like he's out of breath but the smile on his face is priceless. I grab it and look around the paper. Its oil pastel. It's beautiful. A smile slowly grows across my face as I stare at the perfectly crafted sunset. " It's beautiful, thanks Mickey".

I set it down on the table beside me and as soon as it hits the surface he grabs and and hugs me. He's taller than me so my face is buried in his neck. Hes smells amazing, Axe cologne. When he finally put me down I smile at him and make sure my ice cream is okay. " Sorry, ha". I smile and whisper, it's okay. " So, are you kids going out tonight? Or are you coming back home and eating all my food". I hope he says we're going back to his house. He looks at me and stares for a quick second." We're going back home mom". I jump with joy on this inside. I pull out my phone and call my mom letting her know i'm going over his house.

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