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( Warning This part of Hana's Instargram is Self-Harm and Swearing and this a Roleplay Too.) (YOU BEEN WARNING)

You ready?

You sure?

You positive?

Ok are you ready?

Ok hold your tears

By the way go follow

And begin!!

Hana start wearing long sleeve and stop eatting and slowly locking herself in. Her face Change from a happy Girl to a girl who doesn't care about anything...When (Y/N) Ask what wrong she said nothing wrong or don't answer at all. During today School training she fainted because of a lot of blood was lost. You start to wonder how did she fainted. So you rolll up her sleeve you stood there ask how did this happen you saw her arm are cover with cuts. Something was showing in her pocket. You decide to read it.

Dear Hana Bakugou,
      I am ##### ####. I am here to tell you to fucking kill yourself Bitch. You are only a copy of Bakugou and you are weak. A lot people agree with me.
Sincerely Your Hater

You keep going through letters in Hana's pocket and there are all the same but different people... Your heart was broken into pieces after you read the. Last letters.

             Dear Hana Bakugou,
Fuck you, fuck your quirk, fuck everything about you. You fucking don't need in this world. I wish Bakugou was a only child because you fucking useless and Fucking a Bitch. So fucking kill yourself. You fucking Bitch asshole!!!!
            Kill yourself: Yui

(what will you do?)
(I am sorry)

Hana Bakugou InstargramWhere stories live. Discover now