All Your Friends

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Running downstairs, I quickly yanked the door open to be jumped by two of my friends. "Jesus Scarlett, we didn't hear from you for so long." Serena said as she pulled her face away from the crook of neck. "Damn straight woman." Bella said as she continued hugging the life out of me. "Gosh I missed you so much Bella." I said as I hugged her tighter.

"And what am I, an old dusty book?" Serena questioned with an amused face. "Grace, you know Scarlett loves those type of books." I tilted my head to see Jeremy standing behind Serena with four boxes of pizzas stacked on his arm. "Jeremy!" I yelled, jumping towards him to give him a bear hug when he swerved away. "Nu-uh, food woman, watch the food." He said, waltzing into my house and up the stairs, probably heading straight to my room.

I shook my head, amused by the actions of these fellow humans I call my friends. "Right guys, go on in."

Serena quickly ran up the stairs, yelling at Jeremy to not touch her meat lovers special. I looked at Bella to see her with her arms folded. "So Scar, how's Aaron?" She asked with a knowing smile plastering her face.

Bella is a friend that I met under normal circumstances, unlike Jeremy, she was in my class since fifth grade and we ended up in the same high school. Becoming fast friends at grade nine, I always saw her as someone timid and calm, but Lord how much she contradicts that statement now.

After I finally spoke to her in ninth grade for the first time, it turned out we had many things in common, causing us to hideaway in the school library talking about everything until Serena comes in and pulls the both of us out. With that being done, Serena and Bella quickly grew on each other and we became quite the group, until Jeremy hobbled in, in all his glory, proclaiming the both of them as friends.

Bella has a petite build, being only 5 feet tall. Her hair fell in soft dark chocolate tendrils that reached just below her shoulder. Her eyes were a gradient of the earthy soil slowly transforming into the green forests of Washington, which complimented her slightly tanned skin.

"Well..." I said as a light blush warmed my cheeks. "Um-hm, yeah you're going to tell us everything. Now come on, let's go." She said as she pulled me to my room up the stairs.

As I stepped in my room, I laughed at the sight of Jeremy and Serena fighting over a box of pizza. "Jeremy, if you don't let go of my pizza I will hurt you." Serena said as her eyes burnt a hole through Jeremy's smug face.
"Grace, sharing is caring." Jeremy retorted with a mischievous grin.

Serena stared Jeremy down, she sighed exasperatedly. "Okay Remy, you may have one piece. That's it, or I will hurt you." Jeremy nodded at her statement and snatched the box away from Serena, causing her to shake her head.

"Four boxes, really?" I said, throwing myself on my couch. "You know Seremy, they can't get over their love of pizza." Bella said as she plopped herself on the array of blankets and pillows.

"You know Luna, if you want a ship name for us I think Jerena is better." Jeremy mumbled through a mouth full of pizza. Serena quickly shook her head. "No way, Seremy or nothing. Jerena sounds like Jelena and I can't handle that shit." She retorted, wiping tomato sauce off her lips.

My eyes bulged out at their words. "Wait, are you guys together?" I looked around to see all three of my friends staring at me with a neutral face, when Jeremy and Serena burst out in laughter.

"Oh my god, I can't breathe." Jeremy cried, choking on his pizza. Serena laughed along, rolling around on the floor. Bella rolled her eyes and sat next to me. "They've had a thing for quite awhile now, but I guess they don't want the label." She whispered in my ear, shaking her head at the process.

I sighed. "Okay guys, it's really not that funny." The laughter slowly died down, Jeremy shaking his head accompanied with a humourless chuckle. "I'd never date her, she's way too good for me." He said as he winked at Serena.

She quickly waved it off. "Yeah yeah, love you too, Remy." Yet her cheeks grew a bright red, an unintentional smile forming on her tomato smeared lips. I looked at her knowingly, she shrugged it off and took a bite of Jeremy's pizza.

"Alright you guys, go get changed. I don't want your nasty outdoor germs on my pillows." I said jokingly, causing Jeremy to quickly stuff the pizza in his mouth and jump up off the floor. "I'm changing in your closet." He grabbed his bag off my bed and made his way in the closet.

Serena shrugged and took off her jeans and sweater, throwing them in her bag and pulling out her shorts and a baggy t-shirt. "Is that Jeremy's shirt?" I asked, folding my arm at her with a grin on my face. "Yeah, it's really comfortable so I kind of swiped it." She replied.

Bella grabbed her bag and made her way inside my bathroom. "Taking the bathroom." And with that, she closed the door behind her.

The closet door quickly burst open, accompanied with a topless Jeremy adorned with a flannel pyjama pants. "There's my shirt. You look good in it." He said, looking at Serena with approval.

Serena struck a pose. "Hella, it looks better on me than you." Jeremy shook his head and tackled Serena on the bed, causing a full blown pillow fit to erupt in my room.

"Guys please, the sexual tension in this room is so thick, I can cut it with a butter knife." I cried, placing myself on my swivel chair and turning my laptop on.

I began typing away my password when the silence quickly enveloped me. "Okay guys, please. Not on my bed, don't taint the bed." I said, throwing my hands in the air when a pillow hit me square on the back of my head.

"Guys, let's watch a movie!" Luna exclaimed. Jeremy nodded approvingly. "Sounds like a good idea, but I can't guarantee that I'll stay awake." Serena said through a stifled yawn.

Luna began scanning through my Netflix and settled on The Conjuring. "Do you hate me or..." Serena said, covering half her face with a pillow.

"Come on Serena, you have Jeremy with you." I said through a mouthful of pizza, laying stomach first on all three of my friends' legs. Yes, this is actually quite comfortable.

"Yeah Grace, I'll protect you from the scary monsters under the bed." Jeremy said, tickling Serena, causing my comfortable position to not be as comfortable anymore.

"Stop moving or I'm kicking the both of you out of my house." I said jokingly, and the moving stopped. "Right right, come on let's start." Luna said, as she started the movie.

After 30 minutes of the movie, Serena began whining about how boring the movie is. "Fine, let's do something else then." Jeremy said. "Never Have I Ever?" Luna suggested, and all of us cheered at the idea.

Climbing off my bed of legs, I made my way to the alcohol cabinet downstairs, grabbing the Absinth and four shot glasses. I hurried back upstairs to my room.

Closing my door, I sat on the floor to form a circle with my friends. "Absinth? Holy shit Scar, are you trying to kill us?" Jeremy exclaimed. "Don't back down now, Remy." I said, challengingly.

He squinted at me. "Wasn't thinking about it." I distributed the glasses and he poured the drinks down to a brim. "Oh no, I'm not going to play." Luna said, we all looked at her stupefied.

"But, you suggested it?" Serena said. "It's just fun to see you all drunk." Luna replied, a scandalous grin on her lips.

We all laughed and quietened down after a minute or so. "Right, me first." Jeremy said, "Never Have I Ever... Kissed a guy."

"Boo, that was a shitty one." Serena said as she downed her drink, and I followed right after. Everyone's eyes was on me, wide with surprise. "OH MY GOD, YOU DID." Luna exclaimed, jumping up and down.

I laughed at her action. "I DID." Serena and Luna began asking me questions about Aaron. "Alright guys, continue the game." Jeremy said, shaking his head.

"This is amazing though, she had her first kiss!" Serena exclaimed. "Yeah and we'll congratulate her tomorrow, when we're all laying on a pool of each other's vomit while Luna sits there laughing at us."

Serena nodded. "Sounds accurate." Causing us to laugh at her reply.

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