Chapter 2

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School was today. Yeah, that sucked. I had no friends apart from Jake and Jake had no friends apart from me. He liked rock and I liked pop, he liked the city and I liked the countryside, he was chill and I was overexcited, he liked cats and I liked dogs, he was light-haired and I was dark-haired.  We were completely opposite but that was what made us such great friends. 

As I approached school, I caught a few stares thanks to my bashed face but managed to enter the school without being teased. For me, that was exceptionally good news! Being a black Muslim in a white town in the south wasn't easy at all. Jake was there, sitting on a bench, pensive, as though waiting for a meteorite to hit the earth and eradicate all human race. As he noticed me coming, he smiled a tired smile. 

- Hey.

- Hey, what's up?

- Nah, nothing. Just, you know, as usual my parents had a fight last night and I couldn't sleep. How 'bout you? What happened to your face dude?

- Got cornered by some guys the other night. 

Why couldn't I tell him the truth? The thing is, I didn't know how he would react. Would he walk away in disgust? Would he look at me with pitiful eyes? Would he help me go through whatever i'm going through? I had no idea, but I knew I couldn't tell him. Not right now I couldn't.


As I left school, there HE was, standing. Jet black hair with almond blue eyes, wearing a leather jacket and a white shirt underneath, a grey pair of used jeans and smoking half a cigarette: a true bad boy. I didn't realize I was watching him until we locked eyes. I felt as though someone had cast a spell on me. However, not a bad spell, a sweet, soft, amazing spell. 

- Omar. Omar. Earth to Omar!

At that instant, the spell broke and I turned towards Jake.

- Um, yeah. Uh sorry.

- Dude you got a thing for black haired guy?

- Uh what? Uh, I... I...

- Chill man, I'm just kiddin with ya! 

- Oh yeah. Uh, ha! Ha! Ha!

He patted my shoulder in a friendly way.

And he left, in a Jake kind of way. As I turned my head to look at Him, I found myself looking at a lonely metal gate. He was gone. And there I stood, as if waiting for something extraordinary to happen. 

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