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When she got a phone call from her partner who was unusually chatty saying he had something to show her, not tell her, she reluctantly agreed and walked outside of her house knowing that he would be over in a few minutes as he lived four houses down the road. She was already fed up and tired from her day only to find some of her siblings waiting for her at her home for a family dinner she was supposed to attend for some occasion she forgot. She didn't want to be inside with them; she really didn't care whatever the reason it was just a reminder that she was the only one who was different. Different in everything as she didn't follow in her famous mother's footsteps or that she didn't look like the rest of them, at all. If anything, she was glad of that since her last name was common she really had no problem ignoring the fact her siblings, all of them, were also famous. She had chosen a different route in life using her brain instead of her name to achieve a level of success that no one thought was possible. When with her family thought she was reduced to be the youngest one or even the worse the cute sister. Her older sister and only sister was deemed the pretty one, and she had always been referred as the cute one, it was an annoyance that she dreaded as if to say because of her height or lack thereof she could never be pretty or beautiful only cute. When her brothers would start in on their bands or newest movie roles they would always try to toss her a bone like we can get you an extra role as if they would be doing her the biggest favor in the world, she had long shunned that life when their mother had tried to force her to do some roles as a child, she was now a skilled doctor and consultant. She didn't need to act or sing to make something of herself and didn't want to be reminded of what they all thought was a failure on her part since she was the only one who looked like their mother.

She drank in the night air as she could hear him moving up the street with what she thought was a group of people as it was definitely more than just him as their footsteps echoed on the dead road. When they finally cleared her driveway, she could see it was him and ten other men. Slightly confused and more so annoyed at her day she was impatient to have this now even more unexpected intuition on her night. "boy do I have something that will flip you out.", He said as he got closer. She had admired him for years an easy-going man who went were his superiors sent him and got the job done quickly, he had been hand-picked for this new project that there was no notice of, but it left a void at work that she had to fill until he could return. She was often referred to as the central unit of the office as everyone eventually ended up just reporting to her on their activities instead of their commanding officers. It seemed like an innovative idea at the time but now with Aaron gone and her loaned out to another agency as well for an important case the office was slowly unraveling, and she had to do the work of three not just her own. She was tired and annoyed, and now there was another set of people she didn't know standing in her way of sleep.

"what could possibly flip me out, Aaron?", she asked.

"let's go inside, and I will tell you.", He said smiling. Now she could see that there were more than ten, it was at least twelve with ten men and two small females that were translating what was being said.

"can't go inside," she said as she looked at the door," My house has been descended upon by my siblings. Which is why I am out here."

"Why?", he asked.

"Why are they here? Or why am I out here?", she hated that he never, not once, actually finished a question.

"both," he waved her on with a hand motion.

"I forgot about a family thing. As if I really care, however, they believe I should so, they came here instead. As for the out here, I figured you wouldn't want to say anything in front of them.", She said as her dislike of her siblings really shone through, and even the strangers looked at her with head tilts. She wondered if they understood any of what she was saying and believed they did.

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