Chapter 1

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I looked up as I heard my computer chime. "Oh, I got an email," I said as I put my book down and got off my bed. I sat at my computer and dragged the mouse over to click on my new notification. I stared at the email, having to re-read it a few times to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me.

"MOM! MOM! MOM!" I jumped out of my chair and ran out of my room to my mom, stumbling on the way.

"Rhodes? Why are you yelling?" My mom asked me, turning away from the sink with soapy hands.

"Ok, so you know how a couple months ago I auditioned for the new band BigHit is forming?" I spew out quickly. She nodded slowly, clearly still very confused. "They emailed me back a couple minutes ago."

Her eyes widened, "What did they say?"

I took a deep breath, "They said I made it as a trainee!" My mom and I squealed and started jumping up around.

After a few minutes we calmed down and my mom brought the harsh reality down onto me, "Remember, Rhodes, this is only you going as a trainee. You'll have to work hard and prove that you have what it takes to be in that band."

I smiled slightly, "I know, mom. I've been preparing for this for a long time. Heck, I wasn't even expecting them to email me. I wasn't expecting to make it." I got a little upset realizing what could happen as a trainee.

I cocked my head to the side, "I'm still okay and happy with how far I've come. It would upset me a little but at the same time, I would be proud to have made it to trainee status."

My mom chuckled and shook her head, "You definitely take after your father. He was always proud of small achievements. I would be pissed if I got kicked out after making it that far." I smiled big. Being compared to my dad is a big thing for me. I look up to my dad so much and to be told that I'm a lot like him makes me happy.

"I feel like he would be happy about that also," I chuckled.

My mom chuckled with me, "Yeah, he would be. He was always so proud to have you as his daughter." Her reply made me teary. I grabbed her and pulled her towards me for a hug. She accepted the hug, understanding what I was doing and what I wanted. We stood there for a minute or two just hugging.

I sniffled a few times and finally pulled away, "Mom, please don't make me cry." She gave me a soft look and turned around to go back to washing dishes. I wiped my eyes and headed back to my room, grabbing my phone to call my cousin so I could share the good news.

She had joined me in auditioning for the new band, which we found out about by stalking BTS music videos and discovered that they wanted a diverse female group. It took forever to convince our parents to let us audition, but they finally gave in and let us after seeing how hard we were working for it. I jumped onto my bed and dialed her number, statically waiting for her to pick up.

"Oh my gah! Rhodes! Did you get the same news I did?"

I squealed, "They just told me that I made it in as a trainee!"

She squealed, "ME TOO!" We both squealed and fangirled.

"Oh my god. I just thought of something," she stopped.


"If we make it into the band, would we sleep in dorms close to BTS? Would we train with them? Would we eat with them?" We pause for a moment thinking.

"I WOULD DIE!" I screeched.

"ME TOO!" She squealed and laughed along with me.

After our laughter died down she gave me a serious tone, "Rhodes, promise me that we'll both try our best."

I sighed, "Astoria, I would never dream of not trying my best. And if I did try my best and still got kicked out, I'd still be uber happy that I mad it that far. But yeah, I promise to try my best and make it as far as my best will take me."

I could hear the smile I Astoria's voice, "Me too. I promise to do my best no matter what." I smiled along with her. I can't wait for the struggles and rewards that are to come by getting this far.

We said our goodbyes and hung up. "Rhodes! I'm ordering pizza tonight to celebrate. Where do you want me to order it from and what kind of pizza do you want?" My mom shouted.

I cracked my door open, "Pepperoni and pineapple (aka the best kind of pizza) from Papa Gary's please!"


I nodded and closed my door again, "I guess I need to see when and where I need to go." I shuffled over to my desk and pulled the email up again. I scanned over the information until I found what I was looking for. I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote what I needed to down. They wanted me to meet a BigHit Representative at the airport.

I closed the email and grabbed my paper to go show my mom, "Hey, I got the info on where and when to go so they can whisk me away to Korea."

I apparently got far to happy about that judging by mom's reaction, "Okay... So where do they want to meet up?" I gave her the paper and she read it carefully, "It says that there will be another trainee joining the flight with you. Is that Astoria?"

I nodded, "I think so. She said that she got an acceptance email also. I'll call her tomorrow and make sure."

"That's a good idea and also the pizza should be here in a little while."

"Okay. I'm gonna go put this in my reminders."

Mom just nodded and waved me off.

After I put the date, time and place of rendezvous into my calendar and my phone, I laid down waiting for the pizza. Another ten minutes later mom hollered that the pizza was here. I zoomed out of my room and sat down at the table while my mom got plates. As soon as it was in front of me, I dug in. We ate in somewhat silence for a little bit before my mom spoke up, "Are you nervous?"

I nodded.

"You know they aren't going to let you eat pizza for every meal."

I looked up at her and swallowed my food, "I know that, that's why I'm enjoying it while I can. And besides I'm constantly dancing and active so I'm pretty much working off all the stuff I eat."

She smirked and rolled her eyes, "And that is where you are like me." I just shrugged and continued eating. We made small while we ate just passing the time by.

When I finished eating I told mom that I as going to get some sleep and went to my bathroom to get ready for bed. Once I was done I ran towards my bed, pouncing on it, and snuggling under the covers. I was almost asleep when something Astoria said earlier popped into my head, 'Will we eat and train with them?' I could feel my face go red. I hope we don't eat with them. I would die if they saw how I ate. I rolled over and squealed into my pillow trying to calm my self down enough to sleep. Minutes later I fell asleep think of how I'm going to do.


1,300 words

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