Chapter 3

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"Welcome to Seoul, South Korea."

I looked around. Yep, it's an airport. Just like in America, except with more Korean.

"It looks a lot like the airports in America," Tori stated, "What's the name of the airport?" She looked to Mr. Rep dude.

"Incheon International Airport," I piped up before he could answer her.

He looked to where I was reading a sign, "You can read that?"

I opened my mouth to speak but Astoria cut me off, "Yep! My baby cousin understands Korean. I tried to learn it but I didnt anywhere with it."

I rolled my eyes, "You're not even a year older than me, and I can't read and write in Korean and I can understand by listening. I just can't speak Korean."

Astoria continued to beam like a proud parent while I explained to Mr. Rep dude.

"Interesting," he said, "There will be at least one person in the band that understands Korean so that might give you a leg up. However, since you can't speak Korean, I don't know if they'll pick you solely because of that."

I frowned, "I don't want to be picked just because I understand Korean. I want to have to work for it." Astoria nodded along.

Mr. Rep dude smiled at me, "I think with an attitude like that you girls should do just fine."

What he said filled me with hope. It filled me with a new sense of determination. If someone from BigHit believes in me then other BigHit people might be impressed.

I smirked, "You haven't even seen what we can do yet and you already think we'll make it."

"You might just," he shrugged, "Anyhow, come along. We should have a car waiting to take us to the trainee dorms."

The amazement of Seoul, South Korea hit us when we walked outside. It was beautiful. Sure America was beautiful too, but Tori and I grew up there a d were used to American beauty. The beauty here was different. It filled me with happiness. I made it. I was finally in South Korea.

Mr. Rep dude paused and looked around at the cars while Astoria and I stared around in wonder.

"Ah, there is the car," he ushered us to a sleek black car with BigHit written on the side. There were already a bunch of people with cameras surrounding it. Mr. Rep seemed to notice them and stopped to turn to us.

"Here put these on," he reached inside his coat and pulled out two pairs of sunglasses and two black facemasks, "I'm sure right now they think BTS or TxT are going to be getting out of the car, but when they see us walking towards it they might realise you girls are new trainees."

He graciously accepted them and put them on quickly. Mr. Rep was right. As soon as they noticed us they started taking pictures of us and tried to rush towards us. Some security guards were able to keep them back far enough we could get in the car. On the way to the car my thoughts were focused on getting in the car away from all the people. Once I had gotten sat down my insecurities came rushing at me. A picture taking made me self-conscious about my cheap long sleeve shirt and ripped skinny jeans. I looked down at my outfit and my anxiety start picking at my self-esteem.

"Hey Rhodes? Are you okay?" Astoria snapped me out of my thoughts, "You've been really quiet since we've gotten into the car."

"Yeah I'm fine. Just a little nervous."

Astoria frowned but changed the subject, "So what will the schedule be while we are here?"

Mr. Rep, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned to us, "You guys are the last trainees to be picked up so tomorrow we'll start training. For the rest of today someone will give you two a tour of the dorms and studios, then give you the rest of the day to rest."

We both nodded and went to looking out the windows at Seoul passing by. It truly was a beautiful city. It had it's own sort of charm that was vastly different than America. It was vastly different yet subtle enough it was calming. I don't think that makes sense but it does to me.

The car eventually pulled up to a big building witha. Sign outside that said BigHit Entertainment. My breath hitched in my throat. We're here. We are finally here.

"Rhodes? Are you ready? Did you hear what he said?" Astoria broke me out of my thoughts.

"W-what? Sorry I zoned out."

"He said we're here and we need to quickly move out of the car together. If you haven't noticed the giant crowd outside, he said that it could be dangerous with be went one at a time."

I grabbed the bag I had been carrying with me and nodded. Mr. Rep dude opened the door and waited for us to step out before he started walking towards the building. There were a bunch of people here, mostly girls, and they didnt sound too happy about girls in masks being escorted into the building. I didn't blame them if I was in their shoes I'd be jealous as well.

After pushing through the crowds with our heads down we finally made it into the building and away from eh screaming girls. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"Okay girls. I'll take you to the lounge room for the dorm you'll be staying in then I'll go see if your tour guide is ready." Mr. Rep dude started walking and Astoria and I followed staring in awe at everything around us. He lead us onto the elevator and pushed a button to go up.

"The other girls will be in there as well so this should be a chance to get to know them a little bit."

We arrived on our floor and he took us to a door that said "Group 3".

"Okay here you are. I'll go see about your tour guide and you guys can rest in here. Your stuff should be brought up later and put into the rooms you'll be staying in. Good luck."

Astoria looked at me and I just shrugged. How bad could this be?


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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