Panic Attack (2013)

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You were out in the woods, Tyler Hoechlin just about to lean down and kiss you, then tell you he loves you, then a phone ringer went off. He took his out of his pocket, it wasn't his phone ringing. You looked at yours, it wasn't yours either either. You gave each other confused looked.

You woke up abruptly. You rolled over and groaned into your pillow, Who the fuck is calling at 2 in the morning!?

You turned over again, grabbing your phone and taking it off the charger. It was Stiles.

You slid your finger across the screen, "Hey, everything alright?" you asked sleepily.

"I'm so sorry I woke you, I just needed to hear your voice" he said sounding scared.

"Stiles are you alright?" you asked, scared, sitting up and turning on your night light.

"Can you come over?" he asked, breathing heavier than usual.

"Yeah, of course" you assured him, throwing the blankets off you and getting out of bed.

You got into your car and drove as quickly as you could to Stiles' house. When you got there, you realized you didn't know how you were going to get in.

You dialed Stiles' number right away.

"I'm here, Stiles, how do you want me to get in?" you asked.

He didn't say anything, just hung up, appearing at the front door, looking hurt and worn out.

"Stiles" you whispered, seeing how he looks, you ran to him grabbing his arm and wrapping it around you, supporting him. You brought him to his room, and plopped him down on his bed. He pulled you into a tight hug immediately.

"Stiles, are you okay?" you asked, frantic again.

He shook his head no, you pulled away, looking at his face, "Are you having a panic attack?" you asked him, seeing how he was looking at things.

"I think so" he said in between breathes, pulling you back into a hug.

"What happened?" you asked, rubbing his back, trying to calm him down.

"I had dream" he said, taking in another deep breath.

"About what?" you asked, resting your head on his shoulder.

"You" he said, still breathing heavy, "you were killed, and it was my fault."

He started breathing even heavier at the memory of the dream.

"Stiles" you said, pulling out the hug again, making him look at you, "I'm right here, you have nothing to worry about"

He nodded, tears forming in his eyes. You kissed him, trying to make his tears stop, making him know you were there, right in front of him.

He stopped breathing heavy, and looked at you, "thank you" he said, grabbing your hand and holding it. Rubbing circles with him thumb.

"You alright?" you asked, giving him another kiss.

He was taking calming breaths now, his breathing finally returning to normal, "I am now, yeah" he said with a grateful smile.

You sat in silence for a little while. Him still rubbing circles on your hand, and you squeezing his hand every once in a while, reminding him that you were there, and nothing was going to happen.

"I never want to lose you (Y/N)" he said, looking deep into your eyes.

You gave him another sweet kiss, "me either" you told him, "I love you, Stiles, I don't think I'll ever love someone the same way I love you"

He smiled, pulling you into another hug, falling backwards onto the bed, so you were cuddling.

"Please stay" he said sleepily, finally calm enough to go to sleep.

"Anything for you" you told him, feeling sleepy yourself. You both shifted yourselves, getting under the covers, and him wrapping and arm around your waist.

"I love you, (Y/N)" then he fell asleep.

"I love you too, Stiles" you whispered back, finally falling asleep yourself.

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