College (2013)

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A long time ago, when you and Stiles first started dating, in the beginning of senior year, your promised each other that you would do to colleges that were close to home, or close to each other so you would be able to stay together. When filling about applications, you did it together, looking for perfect colleges you wanted to go to and if nothing worked out with being close, community college it was. Which isn't always bad, saves a lot of money.

At the end of March, you finally got all your letters back, whether they were acceptances or denies, you didn't know, you wanted to wait for Stiles to get his so you could open them together.

"Got them all?" you asked Stiles, he smiled and held up his stack of letter, ready to open them all up and see which ones you could go too.

"Alright, let's do this!" you said excitedly, and he grinned, looking almost as excited as you.

You picked up the envelope first, Stiles doing the same, as you applied to come similar colleges. Tearing open the thick package, you found and acceptance letter inside.

"OHMYGOD!!" You exclaimed, this was one of your dream schools, that you wanted to go to since you were a child, you studied hard to get into this school.

"Acceptance?" Stiles asked, looking at his, "Me too" he smiled, and you made up your mind right then, that, that was where you were going, hopefully Stiles would do the same.

Tearing through other letters throughout the next half hour and exclaiming when you got accepted and frowning when you got denied. Stiles being happy for you and you being happy for him, it was great.

"That's all of them" Stiles said, the Brown envelope in front of him, seeming like he made up his mind as well.

"What are you thinking?" you asked Stiles, who was staring off into space.

"I was thinking brown" he said happily, snapping back into reality and looked at you, "What about you?"

"Same thing" you said excited, amazed that you and Stiles were potentially going to go to the same school., "It's the best out of all of them, not to mention it's my dream school" you grinned, holding the letter to your chest.

"Awesome!" he exclaimed, getting up to give you a hug, "I guess we'll get to see each other all the time!"

"College is going to be easy with you around" you smiled, leaning up to give him a kiss.

Your smiled didn't fade for weeks, you already planned on going to Brown with Stiles to accept get your classes scheduled within the next month, that's when you would accept that school, then go dorm shopping. You Googled everything around the area, and it was pretty great. Shops lined the strip, there were a bunch of clubs and lounges, and a frozen yogurt place down the street.

"Hey" Stiles came up to you at your locker, right before last period.

"Hey" you said happily, giving him a kiss.

"Can I come over after school, I need to talk to you about something" he said, not meeting your eyes

"Yeah, what is it?" you asked, suddenly nervous.

"I'll tell you after school, okay?" he said, giving you another kiss and walking to his class.

"Okay..?" you said, sure he couldn't hear you, but you were confused and unsure what this was about, did you do something wrong, something to upset him? You couldn't shake the feeling that you were going to get bad news, you tried to focus on your work, but it would always just pop back in, making your stomach hurt like you were going to throw up.

You kept glancing at the clock, wanting to race home, you were beginning to panic when the bell rang just in time. You ran out the class and to your car, hearing Allison say something to you, but only Stiles was on your mind, you needed to get home.

Walking into your house, you began to pace, trying to work off the nerves that Stiles was giving you. Shaking your hands and literally trying to shake it out of you. You bounced up and down as you paced, when the door bell rung.

"Hey" you said, giving a little sigh, trying to let out the nerves still.

"Hey" he said, a little shaky, like he was nervous as well. You led him up the stairs to your room, where he took the usual spot on the edge of your bed.

Both of you didn't say a word, and you noticed he was clutching an envelope in his hands, you were sure he was going to tell you what it was, but you weren't sure when.

Ten minutes passed by, all you could hear was him breathing, trying to think of a way to tell you whatever it was he wanted to tell you.

"Stiles" you finally said, getting his attention, "Are you going to tell me what's going on or am I just supposed to guess?" you smiled so it sounded less bitchy.

"Sorry, I just don't know how you're going to take it" he huffed.

"Stiles, what?" you asked, getting a little aggravated because you were on the verge of panicking.

"I got a full scholarship to Berkeley" he spat out, looking into your stunned eyes and then looking away.

"Oh" you said, knowing where this was going.

"It'd be stupid not to take it" he justified.

"But, I'm going to be in Providence, the east coast, and you'll still be here.." you started, thinking out loud, "We'll never see each other"

"We will, just not as often" he shrugged, still avoiding eye contact, "And wee'll Skype every night, and text and call each other" he quickly said, trying to make it seem less bad.

You huffed and sniffled, the tears stinging your eyes a little bit. The thought of NEVER seeing Stiles really hurt you, but you wanted him to get a good education and he was right, it would be stupid not to take the scholarship.

"Well, maybe it will be good for our relationship, see how much we really love and care about each other" you told him, trying to convince yourself that it was a good thing. Staying positive.

"Exactly" Stiles agreed, pulling you into him, "We still have the rest of the year and most of the summer, so let's make the best of it" he smiled.

You nodded into his chest. Everything would be okay, you weren't going to break up, Stiles was your one true love, and nothing is splitting you up. Nothing.

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