The Snowman

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A few days ago, as I was walking the snowy path that leads to my house from the woods from my daily hunt for food, I came across the biggest snowman I have ever seen. It stood about six foot tall and it was about three foot wide, it was shaped perfectly. Every edge was as smooth as the outer layer of an apple. It had a carrot for a nose and coals for eyes and for its smile. He had twigs for arms and a black scarf and hat. He looked happy and friendly, but for some reason it gave off an unsettling feeling. I left it be and continued my walk home. I walked maybe twenty feet when I felt snow hit the back of my head. It scared the hell out of me, I turned around to yell at whoever threw the snowball at me. Noone was there, other than the snowman. It was starring at me, I turned around and thought maybe they were hiding.

Then it came to me, noone else is out here, I live deep in the woods with my wife and our closest neighbor lives two miles away into town. I started to jog home now instead of walking. I was actually scared now. Who the hell built that snowman and who the hell threw that snowball, is all I was thinking as i jogged home. I made it to my house, finally felt safe and at ease a little bit. But all I could still think about is who the hell was in these woods with me. I walked up onto my wooden creaky porch, and opened the door to the log cabin house. I heard aloud smack right next to my head, I looked over and saw snow smashed against the side of my house. I turned around and saw the snowman standing in my front yard, starring at my house. I slowly walked into my house, not taking an eye off of it. My wife was sitting on the couch when I walked in, "honey are you okay?" She asked, I looked at her and replied "yes, it's nothing dear" I walked into the bedroom to change put of my wet and cold clothes. My wife came up behind me and gave me a big hug, "why dont you shave that thing?" she asked as she pointed to my long beard, it was about time to shave it, since it was down to my chest now. "For you, I will honey, why don't you go put on some hot chocolate and pick out a movie and I'll go wash up" I said as I kissed her forehead. She walked towards the living room as I walked towards the bathroom. I trimmed my beard down to a bit of a scruff that way it would be easier to shave. I started my right side and then I heard my wife call to me "honey, did you make this snowman that's next to the window?"

I froze, "get away from th.." I tried to yell out, but before I was able to finish that sentence I heard a loud shattering sound and screaming. I ran towards the living room as fast as I could. Once I got to the living room I was greeted by this slender, black creature with no hair, no eyes and no ears, long sharp teeth, that were tinted pink and long sharp nails at the end of it's long fingers. It was hovering over my wife as I approached the room. "Rebecca!" I screamed, I looked for anything that could be used as a weapon and saw the fire poker by the fire place. I grabbed it and ran towards Rebecca. Only to have been tackled to the ground by another one. The fire poker flew from my hands and landed and arms length away from me, the beast hovered over me, biting at me, I used all my strength to keep at bay, as I was grabbing for the fire poker. I look over at Rebecca as the one on top of her ripped her throat open. "NO!" I screamed, pushing the beast off of me with all of my strength, I grabbed the fire poker as the other beast was pouncing on top of me again. I swung the fire poker as hard as I could at its head, knocking it into the fire place. I jumped up and ran towards Rebecca as the beast on top her was ripping her inside out of her body. Her guts were in its hands, and blood was all over the floor and walls. The beast was ripping and eating whatever it could get out of her. She was still alive, but barely. She reached up at me, as I ran to her and jammed the fire poker through the beasts head.

It jumped up screaming an ear piercing scream, a scream I have never heard before in my entire life. It stood straight up grabbing at the fire poker, trying to pry it out. I look over at the other beast that was on top of me, and it fell into the fireplace from when I kicked it off of me, it was covered in flames, it was walking towards us screaming. It was catching parts of the house on fire. I kneeled down and picked Rebecca up and ran for the front door. The beast with the fire poker in its head, is now on the ground rolling around trying to get the fire poker out of its head. I grabbed the door and opened it and slammed it behind us. I laid Rebecca down on the porch and grabbed the rocking chair to pry it against the door to help it stay shut.

I grabbed Rebecca and ran towards town, I was running as fast as I could through all the deep snow. I didn't make it past the front yard before Rebecca started to talk "St...sto....stop" she said as she was dying in my arms. I looked down at her, "no, I must get you to the hospital or you're going to die" I said while I was still running. I look at her again, and she was already gone, I stopped running and looked back at our house, which at this time it was engulfed by flames. I laid Rebecca down next to an oak tree "I love you" I whispered, I walked back towards the house, where I could still hear the beasts screaming as the burned. I looked over my shoulder one last time at Rebecca, she was gone! and there was a snowman next to where she was. I stopped frozen in front of the burning house, the snowman inched forward. Everything just hit me at once, I thought about just letting it kill me, what else do I have to live for? Then it all hit me at once, the town, they will be going after everyone in town, I have to warn everyone. I gathered all my courage and ran past the snowman as one of the beast jumped out of it. It barely cut my forearm, I kept running even though I was bleeding. I ran through the snow, and through the woods as fast as I could run.

Finally, after running for an hour I made it to the end of the woods and could see light from a house. Exaughsted and bleeding, I came to a slow walk, a child was starring and pointing at me through a window. I felt my arm start to pulse and felt pain shoot up my shoulder. I looked at the cut on my foreman from the beast scratching me, it was red and had pus seeping out of it. I fell to the ground and felt the cold snow engulf me, as I start to close my eyes I could hear the loud piercing screams echoing in my head, everything goes black and the screams continue as everything fades into nothingness.......

To Be Continued

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