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Its Christmas time, my wife's favorite time of the year. She loves to decorate and give the kids lots of gifts, she tends to go overboard. I usually help her with the gift wrapping a few days before Christmas, but this year I was really busy with work, so we have decided to wrap the gifts tonight, on Christmas eve.  "Honey, where is the tape?" I ask her as I am folding one of the several gifts that is in front us. She looks around whole sitting on the floor, "over there" she says pointing over next to the Christmas tree. I get up off the floor and retrieve the tape. I look outside before sitting back down, it's dark outside and snow covers the ground. I go to turn around and then catch something move in the corner of my eye. I look back outside and see nothing. I shrug it off and sit back down to finish wrapping.

After awhile I look up at the clock, "my god, its midnight" I say to my wife as she wraps the last gift. She puts a bow and a name tag on it and hands it to me to put under the tree. "Well I'm off to bed" she says and starts to head upstairs, "I'm going to pick up a bit and then I'll be up there", I reply, and start picking up the trash we made. I grab the last piece of garbage and head for the kitchen, I go to throw the bag of garbage in the trash bin and notice that the trash bin is full. I grab that trash bag and take them both outside to be taken to the road tomorrow. I step outside with no jacket on forgetting how cold it is. Dumbass I think to myself for forgetting my jacket. I turn to go back inside when I see a shadow running inside the house. "What the hell?" I whisper to myself and walk back into the house. I look in the kitchen and see noone, I walk into the dining room and see noone, I look in the livingroom and find someone standing next to the tree. He is dressed in red, but looks like dirt spots all over himself and dark red stains. He is wearing back boots that are covered in the dark red stains. "Excuse me?" I say, startling the man, "leave" he says, in a deep and demonic sounding voice, "um....I think it's you that needs to leave sir" I say as threatening as I can sound. He slow turns around to face me, his face looks horrific. It looks like a mask, his eyes are hollow, his mouth is in an O shape. And his beard is white and plastic as well. He is wearing a red hat with a white fluffy ball at the end, I just notice that he has a giant red sack next to him on the ground. "Santa? Is that suppose to be you?" I ask, scared at the sight of this man, he turns his head slightly to the right. He reaches down into his red sack, then pulls his hand out, which is in the form of a fist. He holds it out towards me, I walk closer to get a better look. He turns his hand, to where his knuckles are facing down. He opens his hand and there standing on the palm of his hand is a tiny man, maybe 4 inches tall. "What is that?" I ask, as I lean in forward for a better look.

"Elf" the man says, in a deep voice again. An elf? Really? I think to myself as I start laughing, "look, I'm not a little kid, I dont know who you are and I dont care, but you need to get the fuck out of my house right now" I say, as now I'm getting pissed off. The "elf" holds his fists up, mad as can be, I'm still laughing, then I feel something hit me in the back of my head, everything goes dark as I hit the ground.

I feel movement, I feel myelf dragged through something wet and cold, I open my eyes and see darkness, I reach out in front of me and feel what seems to be straw. The dragging comes to a stop, then there is light. A hand reaches in through the light and grabs me by the arm and pulls me out. I am throw out into the light and landing in snow. I get on my knees and look around. Nothing but snow. No houses, no roads, no street lights. Just snow. I look behind me and see the masked man, he walks towards me and kneals down in front of me. He puts his hand to his face and removes the mask. The man has pitch black eyes, a one half of his nose is bone and the other has loose skin dangling from his face, he has a few teeth that are sticking out of his top lip. His forehead has loose skin hanging over his eyebrows. "What are you?" I ask, terrified. " real....santa" he replies, gasping for air. " know" he gasps for air again, "you must die!" He yells in giant gasp of breath. He puts his hands around my neck and grips them together. He puts his mouth close to my face and starts sucking the breath out of me as I am gasping for air. Everything starts to go black, I cant breath, I can feel my life just draining from me. I start to feel myself go limp. Then nothing......

The End

Horror Tales Pt: 2 Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant