There's a Man Outside

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Falling in a pit of darkness, everywhere I look I see nothing, the screams, they get louder the further I fall, until I hear a voice pierce through the darkness and screaming. "Daddy, there's a man outside!"....

I open my eyes, I'm cold, why am I cold, I look around and realize its snowing heavily, almost like a blizzard. I try to get up, but my arms and legs give out from underneath me. "Save your strength sir" a man's voice shouted through the snow. I look up and see a man and a little boy standing in front of an open doorway. I try to yell for help, but nothing comes out, not even a sigh. I'm so tired, so weak, I lay my head down on my left arm and close my eyes. As I shut my eyes I see the man walking towards me "go back inside Johnny" he says loudly to the little boy, then darkness....

....I open my eyes and see darkness, I can hear the screams, as they get closer and more frantic. They sound like they are in a hurry. "Is he..." I hear a voice call out. "Hello?" I yell, "where did..." the voice says in response. I walk around in hope of someone being close by. I see someone, well the outlining of a person, or I think I see someone. "Hello?" I say, as i step closer. I reach out to the thing in front of me, the ground starts to shake around me. I pull back and the shaking stops. I reach out again and the shaking starts again, the closer I reach for this thing the more aggressive the shaking gets. The thing looks at me with piercing Red Eyes and grabs me by the forearm. "HEEEELLLLLPPPPPP ME!" I scream as he pulls me into further darkness.....

I open my eyes, but barely, as I am to weak to open them all the way. "Dad, do you think hes going to be ok?" Asks Johnny, as his father lays me on their couch. The father walks into the kitchen and sits at the table, Johnny walks over to observe me, "dad...." he says alarmingly, the dad walks over to see what his son is observing. "Just like mom..." Johnny says pointing at my forearm. "I guess we wait until he wakes up then" Johnny's dad says as he sits in a reclining chair. I shut my eyes again....

....I wake up to darkness once again. In the distance I see a light that wasn't there the last time I was here. I walk towards the light. As I am closing in on the light, I feel like someone is watching me from the darkness. I stop and look around, "hello?" I say, "stay away..." a voice screams from the darkness. "Who's there?" I yell back, "leave him..." the voice screams back. I have to find a way out of this, I pick up my pace to a steady jog towards the light. I stop in front of the light, it looks like a hole, a bright white hole in the darkness, I go to put a hand in the hole, I stop myself and start thinking, what if this thing incinerates my hand. I take off a shoe and throw it in the hole, a loud boom followed by an invisible force comes from the hole. The force is so strong that it knocks me to the ground. "The fuck was that" I say to myself. The ground starts to shake again, I feel a sharp pain come from my forearm, it's so agonizing that it forces me to the ground. I try to stand, but can't due to the ground shaking to violently. A hand grabs me from behind and spins me around. It's the thing with Red Eyes agian. "Now I have you" it says in a very low animal mixed with a human voice. He grabs me by the ankle and drags me towards the hole. "Leave...." it says pointing to the hole, "why?" I ask, as I start to stand up, realizing the ground has stopped shaking. "Not your time.." it says, as we get closer to the hole I now have a better look at it. It looks to be Male, he is atleast ten feet tall, no hair, no nose, red piercing eyes, and a long mouth that is hiding the sharpest teeth I have ever seen. He points at the hole again, "go...they need you" he says. I walk to the hole, "who needs..." I try to say as I feel hands push me from behind. I fall into the hole being engulfed in a bright white light....

....I gasp and sit straight up as I open my eyes. I look around and see I'm still laying on the couch. "Hello?" I call out, as I notice that noone is around that I can see. Noone replys, I stand up, I walk towards the kitchen. I see a hallway that leads to three doors in the back of the house. I walk to the cabinets to find a glass to drink water with. As I search the cabinets I hear someone walking from behind me, I turn around to find Johnny standing in the doorway of the kitchen clutching a baseball bat. "Are you one of them?" He demands, he grips the bat tighter, "one of what?" I ask grabbing a glass out of the cabinets, "them!....the snow people" he says angrily. "No, but I know what you are talking about" I say turning the water faucet on.

Johnny walks over to the table and places the bat down on the table, he sits down in the chair furthest from me. "I saw the scratch on your arm" he says, pointing at my forearm. I take a drink of water, "yeah, they came to my house and I fought them off as best I could" I say placing my glass down. I sit across from Johnny, "where is your dad" I ask, taking another drink of water. "He went outside for help, hes been gone for a few hours now" says Johnny looking at the front door. He gripes his bat tighter, "they got him, I already know it" he says with a tear running down his cheek, "you cant think like that kid, I'm sure he's fi..." I say as there is a knock at the door. Johnny stands up gripping his bat to his chest, "stay silent" I whisper standing up, I walk towards the closet window. I peak out the window, it's still dark outside and it's still snowing just as heavy as before.

I see a man and woman standing on the porch. They knock again, "hello?!" They yell, "we need help, something is out here, please let us in" the woman says. I open the window slightly, "what do you want" I demand, the man walks towards the window, "stop! Dont come any closer, stay on the porch" I yell, the man stops at the edge of the porch, "look, we just want to come in and stay until morning, its freezing out here" he pleas. "Ok, just give m..." before I finish my sentence I see something walking out of the heavy snow fall, "who else is with you" I demand, the man looks at the woman, "noone else is with us, it's just my wife and I" he says looking around, the man sees the figure walking out of the snow. "Oh god, it's one of them" the woman screams, she grabs her husband, "we need to go now, he is clearly not letting us in" she pulls on his arm begging him to leave. The figure is now at a full sprint, running right towards the couple. The couple runs as fast the opposite direction. The figure leaps into the air and lands five feet in front of the couple. The woman screams as the beast grabs her husband by the throat, lifting him up into the air. The beast is a good four feet taller the man. The woman runs back towards the porch. The beast bites a chunk out of the mans neck and throws him off to the side. The beast leaps into the air agian and lands ontop of the woman, "we have to help them!" Johnny yells aa he runs towards the door, "we cant!" I say grabbing him as he reaches for the door. "Its too late kid" I say pointing to the window, the beast is ontop of the woman, ripping and biting into the womans stomach as she screams for help. I watch as blood and guts are thrown into the air. I shut the window as the screams for help fade away. The door opens, I look over and see Johnny running outside with his bat, "what the hell are you doing!" I scream chasing after him.

I reach the doorway as I see the beast is now standing over Johnny. The beast is five times Johnny's size. "Leave him alone!" I scream, as Johnny swings his bat, connecting with the beast left side of its body. The beast grabs Johnny by the waist and lifts him into the air, Johnny drops his bat to the ground. The beast rips a chunk out of Johnny's neck and tosses him aside like it did with the man before. "No!!!!" I scream as Johnny's lifeless body hits the ground. The beast looks up at me, I take a step back into the house. The beast starts to run at me now, I slam the door and run to the back of the house. As I open the back bedroom door, I look back at the front door just in time to see the beast knock the door down. I open the bedroom door and run inside, shutting it behind me.

I look around for a hiding place, I open the closet door and step inside closing the door behind me. The beast busts the door in, knocking it onto the floor. It starts to look around the room for me. I have to find something to defend myself. I look around the closet, it's not very big, big enough for two maybe three people to stand in. Clotches on hangers, boxes on the floor and on a shelf above the hanging clothes. I open the boxes and find a revolver in one of the shoe boxes. It only has six shots in it and no extra ammo in any other box. I take a deep breath and fling the door open. I aim the gun at the beast and fire three shots, hitting it once in the chest, once in the shoulder. The beast screams, and runs towards me, I fire another two shots, hitting it in the chest once and missing the other.

The beast is now on top of me. I grab it by the throat and push it away as best as I can. The beast is biting and scratching at me. It grabs me by the waist and starts to squeeze with one hand. Its grip is so strong that it caused me to lose my breath. I put the gun to the beasts head, before firing I realize I only have one shot left. I pull the gun away as it keeps squeezing, crushing my ribs. I raise the gun to my own head, "I'm sorry" I whisper and pull the triger.....


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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Feb 08, 2020 ⏰

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