I love you more (wonyoungxreader fluff ft.Sakura)

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Sakura. The beautiful, cute, smart Sakura. You've had a crush on her for as Long as you could remember, and being the upfront person that you are, you've been very clear with your feelings towards her.

Yet, she seems to not get the memo. The flowers you bought her, she didn't even take home. The keychains you got from your trip to Thailand, she refused to accept. And most importantly, your offer to make yourself her Boyfriend, she rejected.

Love is blind, now I'm blind. Even with all these obvious signs that she had completely no interest and maybe even hated you, you were completely oblivious, trying again and again to win her heart, but to no avail.

You decided, one jolly day, to try one more time. This time it was going to be different, you thought, as you crafted a masterplan that was sure to get her to fall for you. You decided to talk to Wonyoung, your Best Friend about your masterplan.

"So first, I'm going to walk up onto the stage during assembly, grab the mic from the emcee and ask her out. I'll prepare flowers and everything. She'll 100% fall for me."

"She's rejected you so much. Why do you still keep chasing her? You'll just make a fool of yourself."

"I don't know. I can't help it. I just really like her."


"But what?"

"Never mind." Wonyoung turned away to hide her face from you. "Is it just me or is it suddenly really hot here?" She asks, suddenly fanning herself.

"Probably just you. Anyway, wish me luck my little giant baby."

"Whatever idiot. Don't come crying to me when you fail. I'll only say I told you so if you do." Part if you knew Wonyoung was right but you're an optimist so, who knew, things may go exactly as you had hoped.

Later on during assembly, you started your operation. You say close to the stage so the journey there would not be long and awkward. You also bought a bouquet of roses during your lunch time with your lunch money, hoping that extra effort will help you finally win over Sakura's heart. As assembly begun, you started getting a little nervous and sweating a little. I will succeed, you told yourself, over and over again, trying to build up the courage to go through with your plan.

Finally, an opportunity arose. You grabbed it with both hands as you dashed onto the stage and grabbed the mic. "Ahem, excuse me, there's something I want to say."

At first your actions caused a gasp from the both students and teachers alike, before murmurs spread throughout the hall. You continued with you speech. "Sakura, I've liked you since forever so, won't you go out with me?" You raised your flowers towards her, only to see her face buried in her hands, completely embarrassed by your actions.

Soon, a teacher quickly ushered you off the stage and chided you, talking about how, "you shouldn't be so disrespectful", and blah blah, boring stuff. All you were wondering was wether Sakura was touched by your actions.

You were released back into the hall, greeted by giggles and weird flares from all around the hall. You tried your best to ignore them but they still hurt you. You endured this pain for the rest of the assembly session, hoping to get out of there as soon as possible.

After assembly, you went to talk to Sakura.

"Hey Sakura." She turned away at the sight of you. You assumed she didn't hear you and went up to tap her shoulder. "Sakura?"

"Get away from me!" She turned around and screamed at your face. "Why can't you just leave me alone? I've... Ive made it so clear I don't like you y/n. Please don't make it harder than it has to be." She was half in tears and you were just completely shocked. You felt bad, for causing her this harm and yet, you also felt sad as you've been rejected yet again.

As everyone flooded out of the school gates, you sat by the stairwell, thinking through everything. After a Long while, you finally got up, getting ready to go home.

"So you're finally going to leave." You year a soft gentle voice behind you. You knew right away it was Wonyoung. You turned around and muttered a soft 'mm' as you nodded your head, then turning back and began to leave.

"Are you going to keep chasing Sakura?" You head Wonyoung shout from behind you.


"Why?" You stopped and thought about it. She had put you through so much and you too had made her life miserable. It felt like a lose-lose situation and you didn't really have an answer. You just... wanted to.

"Because I like her a lot." You finally responded, without even turning around to look back.

Suddenly, you felt to arms wrap around your chest, holding on to you tight. It was a loving and warm back hug. "But, I like you more." Wonyoung whispered in your ear. You were completely shocked and just stood there, feeling so many different feelings at once.

She whispered again in your ears, this time a question. "Why don't you stop chasing your own tail and date me instead?" You never knew Wonyoung could make you feel this way. Your heat beat uncontrollably against your chest and you began to blush.

"Okay." You replied, trying to hide a huge grin that had formed on your face. It was love you weren't expecting, but it was love that you needed.

I rewrote this twice and it still comes out so snbsvasvs. Sorry to the person who requested for this :(

This is my first ever oneshot so feedback is much appreciated. Thank you guys so much for the support!

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