Cheese 'n' Mac

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Thomas' POV

I start making my famous Mac n Cheese by... (btw this is a fake recipe try it if you want)
First! Take some water and add some salt to it.
Start by putting it into a slight boil. Take some elbow pasta and add it to the water, boil until you think it's ready. Then strain it and add a pinch more salt.
Next, take some cheddar, American, and a little pinch and Parmesan to a bowl (add as much of the each as you want). Then melt that and next add it to the pasta. Next you have my famous Mac n Cheese!!

"Dinnerrr is served!!"

Alex looks over to me and a smile appears across his face, he starts to laugh and it's SO cute. I ask him why he's laughing and...

"Well, when me and James worked together he told me you were obsessed with Mac n Cheese! And at first I didn't believe him but now I know that it's true. And it's super hilarious!!"

I chuckle and serve him some food. He looks at it suspiciously.

"What? Is there something wrong with it?"

"N-no!! It looks good but...I feel like, you, ah how do I say this...ARE THE BEST MACARONI FUCKER IN THE WORLD!!"

"Hey!! I'd rather be f-fucking you..."

"Let's go then."

Ps I might end this as a short book to make one shots cmt if you don't care/want me too tho. Haha idk though so...

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