Just the way you are

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You were in your apartment watching TV in your panty and a little oversized t-shirt, hair in a messy bun. You were watching Boys over flowers and Gu Jun Pyo still didn't remember Geum Jan Di and was falling in love with another girl, you started to cry and hug your pillow tighter. Then suddenly there was a knock on your door, you jumped a little, then went to go open it.

~Your POV~

Who the heck is it, I wasn't expecting anyone today. I peeked out the window and saw my boyfriend waving at me. Oh gosh I can't see him like this!!! "_____? Are you OK?" "Ummm yeaas Mark!" I said while running to my room and slipping on a pair of shorts and ran back down stairs and opened the door to my confused boyfriend. "Annyeong oppa!!!" I said while hugging him, trying to avoid eye contact. "Annyeong jinja!!!" he then cupped my cheeks and said "Have you been crying? What's wrong?" "Ah-hh nothing oppa, just watching TV!" I said while sitting on the couch with Mark "Kdramas again? Ugh! We need to get you out of here. Want to go to the park with me?" he asked "Sure, just let me go change. I'll be quick!"

~At the park~

So after me and Mark ate lunch we decided to go for a walk. Then I saw an ice cream stand and said "Oppa! Oppa! An ice cream stand! Can we get some ice cream pweeease!" and made my best aigoo face, "Alright, alright I'll get you some ice cream!" he said while pinching my cheeks. "Um, one chocolate and one strawberry please." Mark said. When we were finished with our ice cream Mark told me to stand in front of a bench and he stood on it and began to sing Just the way you are, by Bruno Mars. "Your eyes, your eyes make the stars look like their not shining, your hair, your hair falls perfectly without you trying, you're so beautiful and I'll tell you everyday~" "Aishhh oppaaa!!! Mark please stop!! There are people watching!!! Oppa get down!!! Pleeaase stop!!!" I said begging him to stop but he still wouldn't stop, I turned around and there were at least 25 people watching us and I never liked being the center of attention, so I started to walk away. Mark began to walk behind me, he grabbed my hand and turn me around and caressed my cheeks and softly sang "When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change, cause girl your amazing, just the way you are." then went on one knee, pulled out a small box and said "Y/N? Will you marry me?" I began to tear up I was so shocked, I was speachless so I just nodded and he stood up and kissed my lips with all the passion in the world, when we finished the kiss I said "Oppa, that was my first kiss!" "Mine to jinja!" and he held me in his embrace. We heard an applause,sniffles, "awe" "so cute" and "perfect couple". "I love you, jinja!" "I love you too oppa!"
-----The End-----
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