Aphmau x Table (A)

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(A) means angst)

I stared intensely at the magnificent table before me. Someone quickly asked why I was staring at the table so long, my face became hot and I replied with "I was dazing off.. Yeah that's it!" The perverted white haired boy looked at me for a few seconds, like he was worried about me. What's so strange about dazing off? Unless he knew.. No way! I only told Katelyn about my love for the table! I looked away from the boy quickly, and started dazing off at the table again. Katelyn, whom has been sitting next to me for the past few minutes, asked "Why don't you just confess to it yet?" I put my hand on my chest, being offended to what she has just said "Katelyn! My table is not an 'it'! They have feelings too!" Katelyn looked at me confused "So what would I call the table? What is the table's pronouns?" "They/Them." I replied blandly. "Right.. so when will you confess to them?" "You know what? I will right now!" Suddenly I had a boost of confidence. "What the-" I suddenly realized Travis had been sitting there the whole time, my face then became even hotter than before. "U-Uhm.. Travis! You need to go home. Katelyn go upstairs! I need some alone time with my table.." Both did as asked, and I walked up to the kitchen table. "So.. Table, I need to tell you something.." No response. "Well.. erm.. I LIKE YOU- wait no! I'm in love with you."

No response.

I stared at the table, I wasn't sure why, but I was sure of this.

He doesn't like me back.

276 words

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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