Chapter 1 : Foster boy

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Chapter 1

Nick POV

I had just unpacked from school. I go to a boarding school called Dalton Academy. But I'm home for Christmas break.

I was so happy to be home with my parents and not have to worry about school or waking up early or wearing my uniform. Although I did have an english project due after break. So I have to read a book and do a report on it.

But I have a few weeks to do that.

I zippered up my empty suitcase and brought it downstairs.

"All unpacked?" Mom asked.


I also changed into sweatpants and a sweatshirt. It was nice to be out of my uniform.

I sat down at the table in the kitchen.

"So Nicky-"

"Mom, please don't call me that," I said, rolling my eyes.

"I'm your mother and I can call you whatever I want. We need to have a talk before your father gets home," she said, sitting down at the kitchen table across from me.

"About what? I've been getting good grades."

"It's not about school, honey."

"Then what's it about?"

"Your father and I decided that we were going to be foster parents, and your father is picking up the boy we agreed to foster on his way home from work."

"Wait. What?"

"We just thought it might be nice for you to have someone to hang out with while you're on break because you're so used to being around your friends at school all the time. And we've already met the boy we're taking in. He's a sweetheart and he's never had a proper Christmas before, so we're going to make it special for him this year."

"So... What you're saying is, you're bringing a complete stranger into our house for my entire winter break?"

"Nicky, I'm sure you guys will become friends."

"Why would you bring a random boy to our house for Christmas? Christmas is supposed to be a time for family. I just wanted to hang out with you and dad."

"Dad and I still have work next week, so you wouldn't be spending much time with us next week anyway. Give him a chance, Nicky."

I rolled my eyes.

"Be nice to him, Nicky. You don't know what he's been through. And he's very nervous, so don't scare him."

"I won't, mom. When is dad coming home?"

"He should be home in the next 15 minutes."

I sighed and went to the living room to relax. I sat down on the couch and stared out the window. It was starting to snow a little bit.

Jeff POV

My heart was pounding in my chest. Another new foster family. My last foster family hit me like my parents did. I'm scared the same thing will happen here.

I was currently in the car with my new foster dad. He told me that he has a son my age who was home for winter break. I had already met my foster parents but never his son. My old foster family had 2 sons who were both older than me and they beat me up a few times. So I was nervous.

We pulled into a driveway, and my heart raced even more.

"We're here, Jeffrey."

I slowly opened my door and got out. I had a small suitcase that I pulled out too. I only had a few pairs of clothes and pjs.

I followed him up to the front door. He unlocked the door and then we went inside.

I saw who must be his son, sitting on the couch, looking at me. And his wife was in the kitchen, cooking something. They had a somewhat small house from what I could tell, but it was cozy and nice.

I just hope I don't get hit here.

"Jeffrey, this is Nick. He'll be rooming with you," Mr.Duval said.

I nodded.

"Why don't you go sit with him and get to know each other?"

I slowly walked over and sat down next to Nick. Mr.Duval went to the kitchen to talk to Mrs.Duval.

"I'm Nick," the other boy said.

"I'm Jeffrey, but I like to be called Jeff," I said, slightly nervous.

"Cool. How old are you?" Nick asked.


"Same. Do you want to see my bedroom? I guess you're sleeping there, but I don't know if my parents are going to get you a bed or what. I only just found out about you today."

Nick stood up, so I followed him upstairs to his bedroom.

"This is my room. I guess we can ask my parents what you'll be sleeping on."

I looked around Nick's room. It was small. There was a bed, a dresser, a closet, and a nightstand.

"Your room is nice," I said, quietly.


Nick sat down on his bed, and motioned for me to sit down too, so I sat down about a foot away from him.

"So... What do you like to do for fun?" Nick asked.

"I don't know... I don't really have fun."



"So... What do you do then?"

"Schoolwork and chores."

"Are you on a break from school right now?"

"I'm between schools right now."

"Ok, so you won't be doing schoolwork. You'll probably have to help out with chores here. But we can have fun."

"Doing what?"

"I don't know. Anything. We can watch movies, play games, or just hang out."

"Boys! Dinner!" Mrs.Duval called.

"Come on. Mom always makes really good food," Nick said.

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