We have found the problem

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After the doctor appointment I was then referred to a gynaecologist.  It was a pretty long and anxious wait then the day arrived.  My consultant was a woman, possibly the most patronising woman I've met.  She explained to me I had polycystic ovarian syndrome and proceeded to draw Fallopian tubes and ovaries covered in cysts.  Nice.  To be honest, to this day I'm still none the wiser about my condition.  I was given a prescription to take the pill and all would be fine.  Insert eye roll right about now.  Why do these people talk to you as if you're daft and don't understand??

So, basically here I am. A 16 year old Glaswegian Indonesian Indian living in Belfast from the 80's, can't have a normal period and I've facial hair that would put a were wolf to shame.  Do you know how hard it is having to wear jumpers 24/7 so people don't look at your arms?  Cover your face so people can't see your side burns that you try to hide.  You know, I cut those bad boys and made it worse.  I hated PE, I hated going swimming even though swimming was my love.  I hated hanging around my boy mates who would notice and make fun of me.  Oh and let's not forget when we started to go out to night clubs.  Those lovely short sleeve tops, yeah- not happening.  

All in all, my confidence was slowly but surely disappearing.  This would be the start of my low moods, falling in love with someone who didn't know I existed and having PCOS.

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