Woman Hood

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( a few days after the feud with Whitney and Cissy. Cissy calls Whitney to tell her about the upcoming family reunion they are having)

Cissy: *calling whitney*

Whitney: *downstairs with the kids as Michael watching a movie sees her phone picks it up* hey, mom.

Cissy: hey nip? How's everything?

Whitney: pretty good over here. How about yourself?

Cissy: It's going good. I'm calling to let you know about the family reunion we're having tomorrow

Whitney: oh yeah, it definitely is that time of year. I forgot all about it thank you for reminding me. Will there be shirts this year ?

Cissy: yes there will shirts. Dionne will be there too.

Whitney: Dionne ? I'm definitely coming now *laughs* you know when me and Di get together there's no stopping us.

Cissy: *giggles* yeah, i know. I'll let you go back to spending time with the kids and uh Michael. I love you guys! Give the kids a kiss for me.

Whitney: i will mommy. We love you too! I'll see you tomorrow!

Cissy: see you tomorrow, baby!

(Both hanging the phone up Whitney talks to Michael about going to the family reunion)

Michael: Whitney I'm not going.

Whitney: why not, Michael ? It'll be fun. We always have a good time.

Michael: after what happened between me and you, i know your family can't stand me .

Whitney: how do you know that and you haven't even been around my family like that. We're a big family so some people are even dying to meet you.

Michael: you're just saying that.

Whitney: I'm not, but regardless of what you say, you're going.

Michael: ugh, okay fine. I'll go but if something happens, we're leaving. Deal?

Whitney: okay, deal!

(They shake on it)

Michele: in the bathroom screams for Whitney* Mommy!!

Whitney: *gets up goes upstairs to the bathroom opens the door* what's wrong, baby?

Michele: I'm bleeding!

Whitney: you're bleeding ? Let mommy see .

Michele: wipes herself shows her the tissue* see!

Whitney: you started your period, baby girl! That's what it is. *smiling hard her eyes fill with tears* you're a woman now, chele. *looks under the sink gets out a pad helping her put it on washes her hands*

Michele: *washes her hand* so what now mommy?

Whitney: what now is me, you, and chaela are going to have a ladies talk. *calls for Michaela to come upstairs*

(They start talking)

Whitney: So have they been teaching you both about periods in school?

Both: yes.

Whitney: okay well, once you get your period, doesn't matter when it comes on every female is different you step into woman hood and you have to really take care of yourself . Understood ?

Michaela: yes. But why do we have periods?

Whitney: we get them to when we're old enough we can have babies.

Michele: So does that mean i can have a baby ?

Whitney: yes , you can. But not right now. No boys, at all. No boys, and no sex. Okay?

Both: okay mommy. We won't !

Whitney: Good! Promise me, and if you're feeling a certain way about a boy, let m know?

Both: alright, we'll let you know.

(They talk for a few minutes Michael runs to the store to get Michele some more pads and got everyone candy)

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