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Sarah looked up at the animatronics. She felt like a kid, staring up at a towering adult, awaiting punishment. She had lasted only a few minutes of freedom before seeing them again. They all looked happy, smiling a never changing smile, but a glint in their eyes told her they were annoyed. Bonnie spoke and she held her breath. 

"You're really pushing my buttons. Do you want to get killed? Because the way you're going, we may change our minds about tonight." 

"I don't wanna get killed." Squeaked Sarah, her voice making her sound like a mouse. 

"We told you to be good. We told you the consequences. Chica." Chica grabbed Sarah by the arm and started dragging her away, "We're going back to the closet. This time we get an extra 5 minutes."

Chica dragged Sarah away with such force that it drained all the energy from Sarah. Her arm was numb. There was no use fighting so she just let her whole body go limp. It was a great idea at the time, but that's when they heard the crack. Sarah's eyes widened with shock. She screamed at the top of her lungs, tears pouring from her eyes. Chica didn't let go of her arm but she loosened her grip and stopped walking. Bonnie and Freddy walked over and started examining Sarah's arm. They poked and prodded her arm, causing Sarah to scream louder. The pain was unbearable. Like 500 knives digging into her arm.

Eventually the animatronics came to a conclusion that the arm was merely fractured, not entirely broken. This was good and bad news. The good news was that it wasn't entirely broken. The bad news, was how would Sarah explain this to her mum? She'd have to have her family doctor over and that meant two things. Pain and people. In Sarah's eyes, the worst two things in the world.

The animatronics seemed to calm down a little at the fact the arm was fractured and stopped fiddling around with it. There faces still held concern though. Like Sarah, they had no idea what to tell people when they asked. Chica was the first one to ask.

"What will we do? Surely someone will ask." 

"You live alone don't you. You could always not go to the doctor. I mean, it's just one night. It'll all be over after that." Stated Freddy, knowing it was a silly thing to say yet saying it anyway. 

"I guess we'll just have to leave it for now. Nothing we can do. If anyone asks, you can say you were trying to fix a camera and fell off the ladder. That sounds believable to me." Bonnie sounded the calmest of the trio but his eyes exposed everything. He may seem calm, but his 'heart' was racing.

"We won't torture her now. This is better than anything we could've done in that closet. It leaves a permanent reminder of the power we have." Continued Bonnie, a sly smile forming on his robotic face. It seemed strange though. Almost, lifelike. For the first time Sarah took notice of how all the animatronics acted. The walked without strain, their movements almost...human. The thought sent a shiver down Sarah's spine. She now doubted they were merely robots.

Bonnie took a look at the clock overhead. So much time had passed it was already quarter to 6. WAIT! Sarah's heart skipped a beat or two. 15 minutes until she could leave. The other robots looked at the clock as well and their faces immediately dropped. To them the night must've flown by, but to Sarah, it felt like she'd been trapped here for days. The robots each exchanged glances with each other and went their seperate ways. Bonnie headed to the pirate cove, Freddy to the closet and Chica to the kitchen. Sarah just stood there in the center of it all, watching the animatronics as they went about their business, cleaning everything up, perfecting it to how it had been earlier.

Once they had all finished they walked towards the stage. Sarah went to the door but it was still locked. "Where's the key for the door?" She asked cautiously. 

"We're not telling you. You'll have to wait till the rest of the workers get here. And with them, the people. You see, they do all the cleaning once everyone leaves, and when the first person unlocks the door, everyone's aloud in." Said Freddy. 

"You mean people will be here?"

"That's what I said." So, this was their way to punish Sarah. She just had to go and blurt out about her social anxiety. 

"Please. You can't do this to me. You have no idea what happens when I get nervous." The animatronics continued walking. So Sarah continued, a thought coming to mind. "I thought you'd want me to be here tomorrow.

They all stopped dead in their tracks. Chica was the first to speak. "You'll be here." 

"No I won't. If I suffer social anxiety I will have to stay home for a while until I calm down. And that may not be for a day or two." She half lied. Freddy and Chica looked at each other while Bonnie continued walking to the stage. Chica soon followed but Freddy made his way to the door. Producing a key from nowhere he unlocked the door and continued to the stage. The cool air was refreshing. Sarah looked back once to see the animatronics exactly how she'd found them 6 hours prior. Sarah left but in the corner of her eye she could've sworn she saw Chica wink at her.

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