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it was sunday afternoon. jungkook had just finished moving in to his dorm, and has yet to meet his roommate, min yoongi. according to his best friend park jimin, said yoongi was "the definition of cute". jungkook was eager but nervous to make his first impression on the boy. jungkooks thought was interrupted by the door jiggling open and the sound of keys. he whipped around, only to be met with a short man, with bleached blonde hair and a hard gaze. "who the hell are you?" the man asked a hint of nervousness in his tone. "i-im jeon jungkook, your, uh, roommate?" he paused, taking in the boys features. "and uh you must be min yoongi?" he offered a smile. "oh uh yeah, nice to meet you" he responded looking up at jungkook. *damn that kid is tall* yoongi thought, eyes scanning nervously over jungkook. "hyung?" jungkook offered. "uh yeah" he mumbled, looking down at his feet. he would never admit it, but he couldnt help but stare at jungkook. something about him gave yoongi butterflys.

the next few days were normal, they hadnt talked much and yoongi was in a hurry to get to his class, while jungkooks class was later in the day. jungkook watched the smaller male scramble to get his things together, yoongi suddenly stopped and made a weird face, his nose scrunching up cutely. he let out the most delicate, kitten-like sneeze. "awwhh oh my god hyung" jungkook cooed, yoongi turning around giving him a cold glare. jungkook put his hands up defensivly. "hey hey i was kidding!" he snorted. the smaller man walked towards jungkook maintaning eye contact. "watch it, kid" he threatened, earning an amused smirk from jungkook. "oh yeah? what are ya gonna do, shorty?" jungkook teased, towering over yoongi. yoongis eyes widened and he huffed, annoyed. "you brat" he grumbled as he lightly shoved at jungkooks stomach. but what he didnt expect was the hardness and the outline of muscles. jungkook sputtered, trying not to laugh at the smaller male in front of him, with his hands on his stomach. "fuck off" yoongi spat, face flushing red with embarrassment. he brought his knee up to jungkooks crotch getting ready to kick, when jungkook pressed against his knee, earning a suprised gasp from yoongi. yoongi was furious. he kneed jungkook as hard as he could. "holy fuck! that shit hurted" he coughed, crouching over and holding his crotch. yoongi smirked and turned to walk away when a pair of hands wrapped around him and he felt his feet being lifted off the ground. "jungkook. put. me. down." he huffed. "hmmm, nope" jungkook grinned, easily throwing yoongi over his shoulder, he brought his hand up to yoongis ass and SMACK! earning an odd moan from yoongi. jungkook has never heard something more beautiful. "PUT ME DOWN JUNGKOOK" yoongi spat. 
jungkook carefully placed yoongi down on the couch. blushing slightly, yoongi collected himself and set out for class, leaving jungkook with a semi boner, his moan ringing in his ears.

a ding from his phone interuppted his thoughts,

yoongi hyung 🍑:
jimin holy shit, holy fucking shit. i cant sit straight in class right now because of fucking jungkook. like holy fuck hes so fucking hot how do you handle yourself when youre around him holy fuck. and his hands, his hands are so nice, not to be horny or anything but i cant tell if i want his fingers up my ass or around my neck. does he even realise how fucking daddy he is?? like god damn fucking spank me

jungkook🐰: um?


jungkook 🐰: daddy, huh?

yoongi hyung 🍑: shut the fuck up i will literally rip your balls off.

jungkook🐰: i know you wanna touch my balls, but damn.

yoongi hyung 🍑: .... fuck you....

jungkook🐰: pretty sure its me who will be fucking you ;)

yoongi was beyond flustered. he had just spilled his secrets to his crush(?) he was mortified. great. now jungkook knew he had a daddy kink, and knew how much yoongi wanted him.

jungkook on the other hand, couldnt contain himself. he had seen yoongis ass while getting out of the shower once and ever since then he couldnt stop picturing it. horny little fucker he was.

his phone dinged and he snapped out of his daydream.

chim chim🌱: is there a reason that yoongi just threw his phone and screamed "fuck" really loud?

jungkook🐰: [screenshot IMG attached]
um maybe?


chim chim🌱: oh btw yoongi hyung has really sensitive nipples and loves when theyre played with ;) use protection kookie!

jungkook🐰: um thanks hyung

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