Chapter 1

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I wake up to my alarm and see my cat Callie sitting on my face. I pick her up and place her to the side and then look at the clock. It says 6:30. I get out of bed and go downstairs to the kitchen to put a bagel in the toaster and go back upstairs to get dressed.

When I get my clothes on I go back downstairs, butter my bagel and eat it before quickly curling my hair. I pause a second to look in the mirror. My friends all say I'm really pretty and that they love my hair that is so dark brown it looks black. They also love my dark skin. But too many people ask me if I'm Native American.

I turn away from the mirror and brush my teeth before grabbing my backpack and running to the driveway to wait for the bus. When it arrives I climb in and sit next to my best friend, Ashley.

"Hey Ash, what's up?" She's looking down at her phone, but when she sees me she looks up and flips her long blonde hair out of her face. "Nothing really. You?"

"Today I'm picking out my horse."

Immediately there is a complete attitude change.  We have known for over a month that I am getting a horse for my birthday and we have been so excited. "You're taking me with you to help, right?"

"We planned on it."

"Can't wait," she says.

Soon a conversation starts about what color I should get and the time passes quickly.

 Finally we get to school and in a big group of middle schoolers we all head toward the building.  Thankfully Ashley and I have the first class together. We walk down the hallway toward the class, continuing our conversation and go into the classroom to sit in our seats. This is going to be a long day of school.



If you have already read this book before, you may notice some changes. I'm starting to edit the book to fix spelling mistakes and little details to make the book flow better.

The Life Of A HorseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz